«One flower to me, and one flower to you.» Princess Tamar, the daughter of King David, said as she was having a tea-party with Ahsoka in the garden outside the castle, «And flowers to the unicorns, the fairies and butterflies. And to all that liveth among us.»
Ahsoka smiled back, as she sipped from her cup.
The boys, thus will say, the sons of David, where practising with their swords a stones throw away.
«Mmm.» she said, taking a biscuit.
«How’s it going between you and your master?» Princess Tamar asked.
Ahsoka sighed,
«He’s busy building his castle right now. He’s having the kids from the orphanage to help him out.»
«And how’s it going between you?»
Ahsoka looked down for a moment,
«Since he sent away my sister…» looking up so their eyes met, «He dosen’t wanna talk about it… he dosen’t realize I’m hurt…»
«You want her back?»
Ahsoka stood up to her feet,
«Yes. But that’s not gonna happen when the portals are gone.»
Tamar also got up,
«I think I know someone who can open a portal. Wasen’t that what Anakin did when he sent away Zilla?»
«I… I don’t know… but who do you mean?»
«Someone else from your world, someone that thrives with dark magic?»
«Are you talking about… Ventress?» widening her eyes.
Tamar nodded,
«The underground Queen, yes.»
Ahsoka shaked her head,
«We could never go to her. She will only betray us and can’t be trusted.»
«Are you sure? We should give her a chance. If you want your sister back, I mean.»
«I don’t know.» looking hesistant, «I don’t want to go behind my master’s back. I’ll just talk to him about it.» walking in the dirrection of the gateway that led out of the garden.
«You don’t have to tell him everything you know.» putting her hand on her shoulder, «It seems to me, he’s controlling you, and that’s no good. It’s about time you start living your own life.»
«I am living my own life.» Ahsoka stated as they left the garden.
«Not in the way that I will suggest.» Tamar said.»
«Look. I really should be heading back now.» Ahsoka responded, «I must keep the time.»
The princess shrugged her shoulders,
«Wery well.» giving her a hug, «But if you want my help, come and meet me tomorrow afternoon, and we will find the queen.»
«Maybe.» walking away, «I will think about that.» wawing goodbye, «See ya.»
Tamar returned the wawe,
«Goodbye Ahsoka and good luck on your way.»
Zilla slowly walked through the corridor if the Jedi-temple, feeling sad to her heart.
She couldn’t avoid that everyone turned and looked at her with suspicion. Someone were surprised and other showed confusion, repeating the same question over and over again,
«Where have you been?» it got wispered througout the area, «Where’s she been?»
But Zilla didn’t answer them. She didn’t say a word. All that was in her mind, was to find the book. Because whitout it, she felt lost. Left whith no hope.
She’d almost walked into Obi-Wan because she kept her gaze down, not looking up, and she felt his hands gently touching her shoulders,
«Zilla…» he said in a soft tone.
«No…» she quickly turned and walked past him, «No time.» hastening througout the corridor, «I need to find…» she started to run, and made it to the library, the Jedi arcives, «If I only could track it down. But maybe I can.» looking arround for any clue.
Obi-Wan reached her,
«No.» Trying to run again, but he hindered her of it by grabbing her arm, «You tell me what’s going on? Where’s Anakin and Ahsoka?»
«You have no idea.» shaking her head, «And I will not tell.»
«I just want to help.»
«Then you should stay out if it.» freeing herself from his grip, only to run into a child with an axe.
Amanda looked up on her, with eyes as dark as the death itself,
«You!» She began with a recognition in her tone, «I know what you’re looking for, but you’ll never get it!» lifting her weapon, «I burned it.»