
«Crazy John saw Jesus on the shore, and said; Behold… I’m eating a new bug!»

Ahsoka gave a weird look to the twelve who were having a picnic on the side of the road, before looking at Anakin who walked beside her,

«So… What will you call the castle you are to build?»

Anakin looked back at her,

«Hasar-Adar.» looking forward again, «Majestic village.»

«Hasar-Adar?» She tasted the name in her mouth, «Hasar-Adar.»

They came to the end of the forest, in this beatiful summer-landscape, and a woman came over to them,

»Hi.» she said, «I’m Santa. Want some saffron buns?» holding up her basket before them.

Anakin grabbed Ahsoka’s arm before shaking his head,

«No thanks.» trying to drag his apprentice away, but she just stopped up, looking down at the baked goods with water in her mouth, «They look delicious.» looking up at her master, «When someone offers you something, you take it.» reaching out her hand to take one bun, but Anakin slapped her hand hard, causing her pain, «No, Ahsoka!» forcing her away from there, «They are poisonous! And she is not Santa, but a wich!»

Ahsoka looked madly back at him,

«How can you say something like that? You’re just being rude! What is up with you?»

«I just want to protect you.»

She shaked her head in upsetness,

«By humiliating me? This was only embarassing.»

«It’s for the best. We can’t have any distractions. Let’s just continue on searching for your sister.»


In the meantime, in the underground-palace Zilla tried helplessly to break free from the chain that were attatched to her hand. She hauled hard, trying to drag it off it’s root, but it was no effort. The chain didn’t become any weaker even how hard she struggled to come loose from it.

Frustrated she sunk down on the floor, feeling tired of the labour.

Ventress, the queen of the underground-land, walked over to the cage where Zilla had been kept for the last hours,

«Save your strength, pet.» using a soft tone, «I will need it for tomorrow.»

Zilla looked up on her, as sweat were dripping from her forehead,

«You gonna keep me here untill tomorow?»

Ventress nodded with an evil smile, before touching the bars with her fingertips,

«Tomorow I’ll let you go. And by then, you will be fully convicted to the dark side.»

«No I won’t. I won’t fail my friends.»

Ventress laughed,

«You really think so?» stepping away from the cage, laughing even more.

Santa walked in on their conversation, placing the basked with saffron-buns down at Ventress feet,

«They didn’t buy it.» she proclaimed with seriousness.

Ventress lifted the basket to her side,

«Then I will go out there, and see to that they will.» walking out of the room.

«You can’t harm them!» Zilla shouted after her, «They’re stronger than you!»


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