
After flying through a portal of light, Amanda found herself standing in an chamber. and on the floor, laid a open book, which was one of the first things she noticed. She took it up and studied it.

In it was written stories. She saw her own name, and Ventress. Even the Jedi were written in it, who were the new-comers to her world. She closed the book and tucked it to her chest. Now she was in their world, and this book could possibly be her way back, so she wouldn’t loose it.

She stepped towards the door that she saw in front of her, and pointed out her head. What she saw, made her retreat inside the room again.

It was an corridor in chaos. Children were running everywhere, screaming and shouting;

«It’s my diary!» Hagar pointed out, «And I will have it back!»

«Over my dead body!» a boy replied. He was holding it in his hand, beginning to read aloud as Hagar stormed after him down the corridor;

«I’m in love with…» he grinned at her, a mocking grin that turned to a silly laugh, «with Skywalker, the guy who rescued me. We shall meet him today.»

Hagar roared against the boy, who turned direction, and ran back in the direction of the crowd, where Amanda stood in the doorway of Anakin’s room, as she watched them. Currently hiding.

The boy continued reading, as the other children took hold of Hagar. Holding her fast, preventing her from reaching the book;

«My sister is very eager, but that makes me…»

Hagar managed to free herself from the grip of the other children, and throwed herself at the boy, knocking him down,

«You gonna pay for what you did!» she yelled, giving him a punch to the face, «How dare you read…»

Amanda saw an adult entering the corridor, marching towards the scene,

«What is going on here?» he said in a sharply tone. He wore the same kind of clothes that she had noticed that the Jedi who had come to her world, had been wearing.

And as he walked past the door where she was standing, she retreated back inside the room. But by then, it was allready to late to stay out of sight, he had allready spotted her,

«You there!» looking dirrectly in her direction, but Amanda closed the door, before she looked around the chamber of a place to hide.

The Jedi-master in the corridor, took the diary from the boy who had been reading it aloud,

«I’ll confiscate this. No one will have it.»

Hagar got up to her feet,

«But… sir…»

«Go to you room, child. Or I’ll report you to the council.»

Hagar let out a frustrated sigh,

«You don’t understand… no one does.» the boy whom she had attacked because of the diary, also got up on his feet, but she pushed him down on the floor again, and ran away.

The Jedi-master made his way to Anakin’s chamber and opened the door before stepping inside. He found Amanda standing in the middle of the room, looking arround herself.

When she saw him enter the room, she grabbed her weapon which she carried on her back,

«Do not come closer.» she warned him. «I got an axe.»


In the world of Secrecy, Zilla, as a bird, landed on the outside of the cave of the spaghetti-monster, which were in winterland, and where Anakin and Ahsoka were sleeping for the night.

As she stepped inside, she transformed into herself again, just as Ventress had predicted.

She grabbed the dagger from her belt, as she silently sneaked up to the knight bed. The Jedi whom had oppointed himself to be king over winter-land, laid in a deep sleep.

She held the sharp blade of the dagger right over his chest, clutching her fist tight arround the hilt.

«I’m sorry, Skyguy.» she wispered as a tear escaped her eye, «But I have to set Ahsoka free…» She closed her eyes, and were about to drive the dagger in to him, but just as she hurled it down, it didn’t enter his into his heart. It stopped. Because Anakin had oppened his eyes, and were now holding his hand over the handle of the dagger, looking at her with intensity.

Zilla froze,

«I’m sorry.» suddenly she was out of words, «I’m sorry… my king…»

But Anakin rose up, squeezing the knife out of her hand,

«We were looking for you, thinking you were in danger.» forcing her over to the wall, placing his hand to her throat, «Yet you show up, all in one piece. Trying to kill me?»

«I’m sorry…» She had closed her eyes tight, «I just wanted to save Ahsoka… from you!»

Anakin looked over to his sleeping padawan for a moment, who laid at the other side of the cave, before returning his gaze to Zilla,

«Maybe it is the opposite.»

Zilla opened her eyes again, and looked at him,

«What?» tears streamed down her face.

«Maybe it is you we need to get rid of. Because I know, that Ahsoka needs me.»

«Not from my point of wiew.» Zilla protested, «She is perfectly fine whitout you. Because you’re too hard on her.»

Anakin’s eyes darkened, before they got a glimpse of yellow,

«Then we’re perfectly fine whitout you too.» he grabbed her arm, dragging her over to a corridor longer inside the cave, which looked both dark and scary.

«No!» it came from Zilla, but Anakin covered her mouth with his hand, «No!» she still mannaged to say, «Please… I’m… I’m…»

«I told you that every action you take, will have consequences.» Anakin said harshly as he forced her into the dark, «And that’s exactly what’s gonna to happen now: consequences.»

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