It was Christmas Eve, and Amanda ran through the snowy landscape of winter-land, towards the mountains, were the dragons had their place.
She had heard something about a portal, that led to another world, and she wanted to find it.
Nearly out of breath, she reached the dragons cave and called for her friend,
«Absalom! Absalom! Come on out.»
She waited a few seconds, before she heard heavy steps. The ground rumbled as the mighty dragon made his way to the outside.
She could she him point out his head from the caves opening.
«Amanda.» he said with a deep voice. «What brings you here?»
The child approched him, laying her hand onto his big nose,
«I’ve heard about a portal. You know where it is?»
«Yes. How so?»
«I want to check it out.»
The dragon exhaled, letting out some smoke from his nosetrills,
«That portal is unstable and dangerous. It’s not a place to be… You shouldn’t come anywhere near it.»
Amanda looked down,
«Please. Please fly me there. I’m not afraid… and maybe I can see where those Jedi come from, or whatever they call themselfes.»
The dragon gave a sad look at here,
«Their world is not like here. It’s a world whitout magic… If you enter the portal, it is most likely that you would never return again… Is that what you want?»
«I’m not afraid… magic or not… I don’t care.»
The dragon stepped out og the cave, looking mighty and wonderous with his beatiful, stale, red skin. He lowered himself down to here so she could climb onto his back,
«I can no longer protect you if you go to another world.» flying up into the air.
«That’s okay. I don’t think I would need protection if there’s no magic.» She closed her eyes as she hold onto his horns, the wind blew in her hair, and before she knew it, they had landed again.
Absalom lowered himself down again, and she climbed off and landed in the snow on her barefeet.
The dragon moved his head towards the green light that were only few meters away,
«There’s the portal. But it could dissapear at any moment. It’s very unstable.»
«I just want to check it out.» Amanda said, walking closer.
«I won’t be able to help you if you get sucked into it.»
«That’s…» as she neared it, she felt a invisible force-power taking hold on her, dragging her into the portal.
«If that’s is what you want…» was the last thing she heard the dragon say, before all became light arround her, and she were floating through a tunel of light, surrounded by lightning.
Ventress made her way through the darkened corridor, before she stopped at Zilla’s cage
The little Padawan were sleeping now. Her little pet.
She took up her key and opened the door that held her inprisoned.
Zilla awoke with a start, staring questingly at her with tired eyes.
Ventress removed the chain arround her hand with her magic,
«I’m back, my pet. And I have a mission for you.»
Zilla rose to a sitting position,
«What’s that?»
«It seems Anakin and Ahsoka are still looking for you, but…»
Ventress pulled up something from her sleeve,
«Take this dagger, return to the cave, and take care of Anakin.»
Zilla rose up to her feet,
«Take care of him?» she stared confused at her, «What do you mean? He’s my friend!»
Ventress walked closer up to her, gently grabbing her cheek,
«He’s not your friend, deary. And haven’t you noticed how he treats Ahsoka?»
«He… he means it well, he…»
Ventress narrowed her eyes,
«What he truly means, is to rule… and… he want’s his Padawan become like himself, so he is continuing to…»
«I don’t believe you…»
«Yes you do… Your mission is to sneak into the cave while they’re asleep, and then you’ll end him. With this dagger, you will put his days to an end, and set Ahsoka free. And then you both will come and live here with me, like princesses. No one should be meant to…»
«Anakin is a good man.» Zilla shouted, «All he want’s is… it’s only good thing’s. He’s just a little arrogant and stubborn, but…»
«All I ask of you, is to free Ahsoka from his influence.» Ventress repeated, handing the dagger over to her, «Are you up for the task?»
Zilla sighed,
«If you want me to take his life, isn’t it easier to just use my lightsaber?»
Ventress shaked her head,
«No. Because then, he will wake up by the sound of it. But this dagger is enchanted. And it is silent.»
Zilla took it from Ventress hand,
«I will take you both under my wings when all this is over, if you only remain loyal to me. Now go.» giving her a gentle push out of the cage. «Fly, my friend.» transforming her into a bird, «Only when you reach the cave, you will become your old self again.»
And Zilla flew out on her wings, out into the Christmas night.
«But I will watch you, pet.» Ventress said, staring into a globe, «I will watch you.»