Fairies and a cave

«Shalom aleichem, child. Shalom aleichem.»

Ahsoka woke up and felt the taste of blood in her mouth. And she remembered that she and her master had happened to have a fight when they had walked from the orphanage.

He had abused her, yelling,

«You’re terrible at following orders.»

But Ahsoka had yelled back at him,

«Your orders suck.»

And after that, she couldn’t remember much. Even if she tried. She couldn’t remember how she had gotten bruise under her left eye, and why her mouth hurt so much. She only recalled that Anakin had stunned her with a blaster so everything became black. And so she had waken up here, in this… she looked around at the circumstances… this cave. And there was these fairies circling around her. They where… four?

One of them landed on her knee,

«Hello, child.» it was a girl, and she seemed kindly enough, «I’m Abigail, and these are…» the other three joined her on her knee, «My brothers; Shadrak, Meshak and Abed-Nego.»

Ahsoka smiled at them in return,

«Nice to meet you, but…» she looked around at the otherwise so very empty cave, «Where are my master, and my sister.»

«Oh,»Abigail smiled, «About that, we where going to tell you.» walking up to her chest, «They are away to gather some woods to make a fireplace here. And in the meantime, Anakin instructed us to keep you safe and sound here in the cave. And you ain’t getting anywhere on our watch.»

Ahsoka widened her eyes,

«I have to find them.» raising up from the stonetable where she was laying, or was it a stonebed? Maybe a Stonebench? Whatever… it had nothing to say anyway. She walked to the caces opening looking out at the snow, «They can get lost out there.»

«No they wont.» Abigail protested, dragging in her clothes to pull her back, «No they wont, because they have our parents with them. And they are wellknown in these woods.»

«Well…» Ahsoka sighed, «You are really putting my worry at ease.» she sarcastically said.

«Yeah.» Abigail responded, flying up to her face, «Look. We all wish; Me and my brothers, that we could grant you a wish, but we spent all our magic on your Master, who used all the wishes on himself.»

Ahsoka slowly went to sit down at the stonetable,

«You are granting wishes?»

«Yeah. But your Master took your wish, including you sister’s, and he used it all up on himself. Because his own wish, clearly wasen’t enough for him.»

Ahsoka furrowed her brow,

«So someone can take another persons wish? Just like that?»

The fairies nodded,

«Yeah. If he has authority over you. And it seems like Anakin have.»

«But…» Ahsoka looked down at the ground, «I don’t understand why he must be that greedy.» she let her hands rest in her lap, «What did he wish for?»

«For honour and glory.» Abigail slowly went to sit on Ahsokas shoulder, «For kingdomship, eternal life, and happily ever after.»

The apprentice snorted,

«There is no such thing as happily ever after.»

«Well…» suddenly a black cat entered through the caves opening, followed by a twelve year old girl. The cat jumped up on Ahsokas lap, purring loudly. And the girl followed it, walking up to stand before Ahsoka with a curious smile.

Ahsoka stood up, lifting the cat in her arms,

«Who are you?»

The child smiled even more at her,

«I’m… Amanda… and…» she took the weapon from helt belt and held it up, «I got an axe.»


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