Say you wake up in the morning, and you got this specific feeling, and then you write everything that lays on your hearth before the feeling goes away.
You’re capturing the moment, looking at the circumstances around you, feeling the weather in the air…
«I must say…» Lars began slowly, his eyes darting between the two twins, Ahsla and Zilla, «That you look very much alike. Unless…» and he locked his eyes on Zilla, «Unless you’re some stalker, that has just dressed up like my little sister!» and he rose up from his chair.
The twins shared a confused look on one another, before they looked back to Lars,
«How can you say that?» Ahsla began, «This is my twinsister! Can’t you see?»
«Yeah!» Zilla continued, «I am related to you guys! I know a lot about you.»
Lars walked closer to them,
«You’re a stalker!» he insisted, «This is exactly something a stalker would say!» grabbing Zilla’s arm, «And you may have fooled my younger sister, but you dosen’t fool me! I would suggest that you leave!»
Zilla shaked her head,
«You don’t understand… Skyguy.»
Lars frowned at her
«What did you call me?»
«Look, I know you two from another realm, another life, where you were…»
«What?» crossing his arms, «You believe us to be some… other persons?»
«Exactly! But if you only could remember…»
«Remember what? We have lived in this town our entire life, and we ain’t from another realm…»
«But that is your cursed memories…» Zilla stated, «You both are from someplace else, where we all are family, and you’re King.»
«Enough!» Lars shouted, «I am trying to get you to leave, because you’re insane.»
«My brother is right.» it came from Ahsla, «I believe you are my sister, but you are insane.»
«And that is why you can’t stay here.»
«Fine!» Zilla answered, pulling away from him, «But I will get through to you. I will show you who you truly are!»
Lars were showing her back towards the door now,
«And who am I?» he asked in a mocking tone.
«You’re…» Zilla turned around, facing him, where she once again was outside, standing on the stair, «You’re Anakin Skywalker! Legendary Jedi Knight.»
Lars raised his eyebrows,
«You really believe me to be a fictional character in a book?»
Zilla took some steps back,
«What?» now she was more confused than ever, «But…»
The man shaked his head, slowly,
«You got a beatiful imagination… but this is real life, and…» he scoffed. Ahsla came up to stand by his side in the door, «We are real people with real lives.»
Zilla slowly felt some tears showing up in her eyes,
«But…» she slowly turned around, not wanting them to see her saddened expression, «I am real too…» she said with her back to them, «And I ain’t just imaginating something, what I say is true.»
Ahsla walked to stand by her, a hand on her shoulder,
«I believe you are my sister, Zilla.» she repeated, «Because I can truly see it. But that dosen’t mean my brother is a guy in some movie or book. He’s a real person, and so am I.»
«But you don’t understand!» Zilla shouted, sobbing now, «We have done so many adventures together! We don’t belong here! We are from another realm!»
«I’m sorry, sister.» Ahsla slowly said, «I’m sorry you believe that. I wish there were something we could do.»
«Come, Ahsla.» Lars said, «Whatever is going on in her head, we can’t help her.»
Ahsla slowly nodded, before she turned around and walked back. She walked past him through the door, back into the house.
Lars stood still for some moment, watching Zilla slowly leave,
«Take care of yourself, young one. And don’t call me… whatever you did… Because I ain’t that person.»
The lonely girl turned around to look at him one last time,
«You’re reacting to that name, ain’t you?» she had a broken voice now, «Your hearth knows something, a feeling. It remembers. Who you truly are.»
«I have no idea what you’re talking about.» he quickly said, adding, «Good day to you!» closing the door.
And as Zilla walked back the way she had come, she saw a hooded figure standing in the middle of the road.
She stopped, and the figure turned its hood down, grinning wide at her. A mischievous grin.
Zilla immediately recognized the woman as the evil queen, and angrily muttered under her breath,
And then the queen came walking directly at her,
«You and I.» she began, «Are the only ones who truly remembers who they are. Everyone else has forgotten.»
«Why did you do this?» Zilla shouted, «Why did you wipe away people’s memories?»
«Because…» Ventress chuckled as she came close, «It was the best revenge I could think of.»
«But why?» she cried, «What did we ever do to you?»
«Oh. That.» it was a sinister tone in her voice, when she said, «Trust me, you don’t wanna know.» but then, all of a sudden, her expression was something else, «You and I.» she said, «We’ll make a great team. That is why I wanted you to remember.»
But Zilla backed away from her,
«We’ll never be a team! Because I’m nothing like you!»
Ventress chuckled,
«We’re more alike than you realize, dearie. More alike than you realize…»
Most of it hadn’t been swept away as someone thought first. It still stood there, but it had lost it’s former glory, and were only a shadow of what it once was.
A big storm had occured last night, taking with it people, and pieces of the forest, carrying it all to another realm.
And that realm: was created by a curse, cast by an evil queen.
Anyone who was taken to that realm, had lost all what they had: They didn’t remember their identity, but thought they were someone else. All their memories had been replaced by something else…
Now, in the originally realm of Hasar-Adar, people that remain in the academy, and hadn’t been swept away by the curse, were in uproar.
Some were afraid of what might happen to them: What if it came another curse? Another wave?
Their were frustrated because the storm last night had taken Anakin, their king and leader from Winterland, and both his students were gone too.
Was it any way to bring them back? What if it wasen’t? What if the whole kingdom were on the way to doom?
«Everyone calm down!» shouted the fairy Abigail, who stood on the stage down in the cafeteria, «Of what have happened tonight, we will still proceed like we normaly do. So everyone can go to their classrooms after their breakfast.»
In the doorway stood Hagar and Isha, two pirate-sisters who had also been taken in by the academy. And how wonderful wasn’t it to have a roof over your head, when being asleep in the night?
Hagar and Isha had been without that, for a very long time. They had been forced to sleep out under the stars, with no shelter for the rain that came every now and then.
They had been traveling far and wide, looking for their friend, Amanda with the axe, untill they had found her, and taken her with them on their journey through the kingdom, looking for a better life, and a future.
Last of all, before the academy took them in, they had rescued someone from a forced child wedding. And that person had followed them ever since. Her name was Karinne, daughter to the evil queen.
But now, together with the two pirate-sisters, and with Amanda with the axe, all four of them was staring around at all the different specimens in the cafeteria, were lots and lots of them were all upset about something:
There were fairies at one table, some witches at another, and trolls… pirates without a captain…
Karinne frowned,
«This isn’t a school. It’s a zoo! I can’t believe I ever set foot in here.»
The other three ignored her for the moment,
Hagar tilted her head when gazing towards the pirate-table were her people was: Pirates without a captain? Wait a minute!
«Where is captain Youthful?» she asked, mentioning the funny guy who had made quite the number the last day, making sure everyone knew what kind of captain he was, and that he never took ano for an answer.
«Who cares about him?» Karinne just spat, «I’m out of here.» turning around to walk away, «Maybe the curse took him, for all I know.»
«If you two could just be silent.» Isha added, «I’m trying to hear what mother superior says.» looking towards the fairy Abigail on the stage, «Maybe she knows a way to break the curse that have swept so many away.»
«This is a job for us fairies.» they heard her say, «And if anyone of you has a question, don’t hesitate to come to us.» gazing at the students before adding a «Aby, out.» and walking off the stage.
Hagar was on the brick to walk over to her, when she felt Isha’s hand on her shoulder.
«I need to talk to her.» Hagar exused herself, but Isha shaked her head,
«Don’t you see that the fairy is already surrounded by other students? I think she has enough to handle right now. We should wait until we can get her alone.»
«You’re right, sister.» Hagar sighed, «But we’re pirates, and pirates never wait.»
Isha smiled back at her,
«I know. But this time, it’s the most reasonable thing to do.»
And then the curse hit, as the fog came swooping through the window, blocking everyone’s sight, making everything go dark.
Zilla could feel Ahsoka’s hand on her shoulder, and she heard Anakin’s voice nearby,
«As long as we stay together, no curse would ever keep us apart.»
But then she suddenly felt them fading. She could no longer feel them close by…
«Ahsoka! Anakin! Where are you guys?»
She heard their voices again, but it was coming from far away, like she was losing them,
«Don’t worry Zilla.» Ahsoka said, «We are right here. And will always be.» but her voice become more and more like an echo.
Zilla stood slowly up to her feet, trying to orientate herself,
«I will find you! I always do!» But this time there was no answer, and then, she was knocked out by some dark magic, when the curse wiped the whole forest out.
Later, she woke up, finding herself laying in the middle of a driveway in a little city.
Zilla looked around herself, seeing that she was all alone,
«Ahsoka! Anakin!» feeling the tears close by when she rose up. She quickly wiped them away when they came falling, as she looked arround at the circumstances.
Houses with gardens and shops. That was all it was. But she noticed a little diner to, and there were people living in those houses.
Then it hit her.
This was still the forest of autumn and spring. It had only been replaced by a city. But it was all still there: the people: the relationship.
But what about winterland? And the land of summer? Was that part of this curse too?
Zilla only thought this way because something Ventress had told her: What was it that she had said?
«The curse will wipe away this forest. But your family will be quite safe.»
Did that mean that they weren’t part of the curse? That it hadn’t affected the part were they lived?
Winterland wasen’t part of the curse, and neither was the other land.
Zilla pushed the thoughts away from her head. Despite of what Ventress had told her, she had this feeling: They was here. They was in this little town, and she was going to find them.
And with that, she began walking down the dusty road.
But a little later, she was exausted, and she found herself walking through a door, into a pawnshop, realizing that she couldn’t find them all on her own, that she needed a helping hand,
«Hello?» she began as she walked up to the disk where one lonely man stood behind, «I… I need help… I mean… I looking for my family… and I can’t find them…»
The man looked back at her, as if he knew who she was, and then he took up a list,
«Ah… Ahsoka… and… Anakin…»
The man was silent for a moment, as he looked through the list. Then he layed it down, looking at her,
«There’s no Ahsoka and Anakin here.» he replied flatly.
«But… they have to be here!» she almost felt the tears coming again, «In case… in case they have… different names!» she reached out her hand and took up the list, «If the curse wiped away their memory, and they don’t remember who they are… maybe they have other names now. New identities!» she clutched the list close to her chest, «Can I borrow this?»
«Of course, my dear.» the man said gently before introducing himself as Mr. Gold, «If you need further help, I be right here.»
«Thank you.» Zilla said before she turned to go, «I’ll remember.»
Once again on the street, she read slowly through the list. Studiying each and every name. Even where they lived was on this list.
As she walked on, she wondered who this odd guy was, if he was in possesion of everyone’s name in the city, and their housenumber. It stood all on the list!
She stopped reading once she came across a name that made her smile: Ahsla.
Something my sister would call herself, she thought. Cursed or not, she still has a name that suits her.
She looked further down on that same line, and frowned: Why would Anakin call himself Lars? It didn’t make any sense, in case… was it really Anakin?
But much sooner, she found herself outside their door, and then she knocked. Crossing her fingers in hope.
And when the door opened, she saw that it was:
«Ahsoka!» she burst out with. As sparks of joy almost overwhelmed her.
But her sister only frowned at her,
«I’m Ahsla.»
«Yes! Of course you are!»
«And who are you?»
«I’m…» Zilla was caught of guard for a moment, feeling as if her hope sunk down to a lower level, «I’m your sister.»
Ahsla stared at her,
«You are?» she turned around, walking back inside, leaving the door wide open and Zilla standing there at the stair, «Do I have a sister, Lars?»
«Not that I know of.»
Zilla raised her head, looking inside. It really was Anakin’s voice.
«Oh no! My favorite pillar! Oh no, my other favorite pillar… why do you keep destroing everything in your path…»
In the middle of the night, Zilla awoke, startled to see that she still was in Anakin’s office. All alone in the dark and she didn’t knew how long she had been out, but she could she from the window, that it was midnight.
Or was it early morning?
She got up and hurried to the door, only to find it locked. Confused: she sank to the floor.
Another thing that got her attention: was a silver bracelett arround her wrist, that seemed to take away her fairy-powers. She tried to take it off, but couldn’t. And she wondered why Anakin would just leave her here, all alone, locked up.
Or was she really alone?
The answer to that question revealed itself when she heard a voice somewhere in the dark,
«Some tower you are locked up in, dearie.» it was a familiar one, one she had heard before, and it sounded like… Ventress. But what was she doing here?
«Just like Rapunzel.» the queen continued, coming out from her hiding-place so that Zilla could see her.
«I’ve heard of that story,» Zilla replied, «But what does that have to do with my situation?»
«Let’s just say, I’m here to help you.» Ventress smiled, taking out a wand from her pocket, «The children of your master made quite a mess in my palace yesterday…»
«He isn’t really my master…» Zilla replied, standing up, «All he care about is Ahsoka.»
«Is that true?»
«Yes. From my point of wiew, it is.»
«Well, that settles it: what I’m about to do. And I need your coorporation.»
«What… what would you do?» backing against the door.
«Before I reveal that, I want to know if thou art willing to stand with me in this.»
«Will it get me what I’m after?»
Ventress nodded with a slight smile and glowing eyes,
«Yes. But even more than that. You’ll never have to live in anyones shadow ever again.»
«Sounds fair to me.»
«Good.» walking closer to her, «Your family will be quite safe. In fact, they wont even remember who they are.»
Zilla furrowed her brow,
«How is that going to help me?»
Ventress took hold of her arm,
«Come closer.» leading her to the middle of the room where she could she a black cauldron, who was boiling with some potion, «I have gathered some ingredients: for a curse. That will swipe away this whole forest and everyone in it.»
«Where will they go?»
«To a place without magic.»
Zilla stared at her with suspicion,
«But what will happen to me?»
«We will rule that new city… there’s only one problem: I’m missing one ingredient, will you help me get it?»
«What is it you want?»
Ventress grabbed hold of the silver bracelett arround Zilla’s arm, that drained her of her fairy-magic. She pulled it off, dropping it to the floor.
Then, with the fairy’s magic returning, Ventress leaned close to her ear, wispering:
«Just a fairy’s heart.»
With a delightful smile on her lips, the evil queen, threw her hand right through Zilla’s chest, and then, with a sickening laugh, she pulled her heart out.
Zilla: Eyes wide with horror, crouched together in pain as she watched her heart: still beating, in the queens hand.
«I thought we had an understanding!» she moaned.
«Yes.» Ventress muttered, «But no one has a heart as magical as a fairy, and you’re the only fairy around.»
«I don’t understand…»
«No.» Ventress said, «But I dosen’t need you to.»
«Why?» Zilla shuddered, «Why are you doing this?»
«You are asking to many questions.» holding the heart over the cauldron.
Just then, the door burst open,
«Stop!» it was Ahsoka, who came forward with weapon in hand, «Stay away from my sister!»
Ventress just smiled in return,
«You’re to late, dearie.» squeezing the heart of the fairy, who moaned in pain, «If I drop this: She’s dead.»
«Good thing I’m here to stop you from doing that! And to make you put it back!»
«Oops!» Ventress replied, before she dropped it, seeing it fall down, leaving her hand.
«No!» Ahsoka screamed, before it all went into slow motion before her eyes as she hurried forward.
But by the time she reached the cauldron, it was too late, and the heart were gone.
Ahsoka’s rage pulled the cauldron over, and everything went splashing out on the floor.
She then went to kneel beside her sister, taking her hand in her’s
«Zilla… talk to me…» but her sister were gone.
In the middle of the room, Ventress stared with vengeance at the overturned cauldron: the potion scattered all over the floor. She narrowed her eyes,
«My curse is still coming, and it’s nothing you can do it with it. Ta-ta.» and then she disappeard. Transporting herself through a purple fog.
Anakin suddenly stumbled through the door, accompained by the fairy Abigail,
«What’s going on?» but Ahsoka didn’t answer him. Didn’t say even one word.
Abigail made it over to her side,
«I’m so sorry.» her wings hanging down in sorrow.
Ahsoka slowly raised her gaze, to look upon her,
«There has to be something you can do… I would never stand to live in a world whitout my sister…»
Abigail slowly turned arround to think, passing Anakin as he went to support Ahsoka, his face covered in grief.
Abigail turned towards them after a moment,
«I’m not sure if it would work… but perhaps… no…»
«Say it.» Ahsoka demanded.
«It… it will require another heart… but.»
«Then… take mine.» Ahsoka burst out with, «I’m sure its strong enough to beat for both of us!»
«No!» Anakin protested, «Then you die!»
«Maybe I won’t.» turning her gaze to the fairy Abigail, «Take my heart, split it in two, and give each of us a half.»
«But… I… I’ve never done such a thing before…» she replied, half shocked, «It may not work… what if…»
Anakin slowly put a hand on Ahsoka’s shoulder,
«You have to let her go…»
«Never!» looking pleadingly towards Abigail, «Please… do it.»
The light fairy sighed,
«Then close your eyes.»
And as Ahsoka did so, Abigail came forward. Slowly and carefully, she reached her hand inside her chest, pulling her heart out of it.
Anakin stared worringly as the fairy stood with the beating heart in her hands,
«If you fail…» he began grimly, «Then you will not have your life to hang on.»
Abigail nodded gravely
«I… understand the risk.» beginning to slowly bend the heart in two. And when each part were severed from each other, she used her magic to heal each broken part. And then, she put the right one, back into Ahsoka, and the left, into Zilla’s chest, and then she waited.
«Nothing is happening!» Anakin yelled, «You killed them!» and he stood up, reaching for his weapon.
«Give it time… give it time…» Abigail desperately begged him as she backed away when she could see fire showing up in his eyes,
«Time? I’ll show you what time looks like!»
Abigail braced herself for an attack, but then they both heard some noises behind them,
Anakin rushed to the two sister’s side on the floor,
«Ahsoka!» he bursted out relieved, as he throwed his arms around her «I thought I lost you!»
Zilla slowly opened her eyes,
«What’s going on?» looking confused arround her, before it all came back: «The curse!» and she widened her eyes, quickly sitting up as it occured to her, «Oh no! And it’s all my fault!»
«Oh my dear.» it came from an evil queen who now appeared again behind the overturned cauldron, «Do you really think so?» laughing with sarcasm, «My curse is coming! And I must say: Thank you for your help. I could never had done it without you.»
Ahsoka narrowed her eyes towards the evil queen,
«You’re gonna regrett this!» she spat, «We will come for you. And we will take you down.»
Ventress only laughed at this,
«I bellieve you will… if you only would remember who you are… which you wont.»
And as all turned their gaze towards the window, they could see the fog coming…
Before Leia had gotten to sleep in the night, she made a wish upon a star, and then she had closed her eyes and fell to sleep in her own bedroom at the castle in winterland.
But now it was morning, and she woke up to a bird singing in her room.
«Good morning friend.»her eyes widened, «Oh no! Something’s wrong! Because all my words are coming out as song!»she looked arround her, at her belongings, «A rythm stirs, deep inside my soul. I’m saying things in ways I can’t controll.» and she quickly covered her mouth with her hands.
She heard someone vocalizing through the hall, nearing her room, and then the door swung open,
«What’s going on? Someone cast a spell or curse?» it was her twinbrother Luke, and he was also singing, «‘Cause what I say, is coming out in verse.» Leia just could’t belive herself of what she heard or saw as her brother went on, «My voice just soars, had no idea it could. Now I’m singing out, and how do I sound good!»
Leia made it out of her bed, as her brother sang her more questions,
«What could be the reason?»
«I think I know my bro.»making it to the window, «It’s all because the wish I made upon the star above.» pointing, before she turned her gaze at him, «With music in our hearts, we’ll defeat the evil Queen.»
«How?» Luke asked simply, thinking of Ventress in the underground palace.
Leia continued singing,
«‘Cause our bond expressed through song, is a weapon like the queen has never seen!»
Luke looked at her with amazement. Just then, the royal servants came in, beginnig to do their duties.
Luke and Leia didn’t seem to pay them much attention.
The brother took his sister’s hand, leading her towards the door. They began singing in unison,
«There’s a powerful magic when we unite…»
But Leia’s wish upon the star hadn’t just affected her and her brother, it had affected the whole kingdom of Hasar-Adar, so everyone kept bursting out in song from now and then.
In the forest of spring and autumn, in the academy of the autumn side, Captain Youthful was singing too.
Down in the cafeteria, he stood tall on one of the tables, going:
«Yo-Ho! Keep your jewels divine! Yo-Ho! You are wasting your time!» he kicked down a bottle of rum with his left foot, and another one with his right, «With the croc in my hand, I’m gonna tear out hisspine!» beforehe jumped of the table, landing on the floor with great ease, «Revenge, revenge, revenge! It’s gonna be mine!»
But not far away from him, the fairy Zilla sat beside another table, looking through her spellbook once again,
«It has to be something here!» she said desperately to herself, «It has to!» and then she shouted to the pirates, «Would you mind keeping it down over there? I’m trying to concentrate!»
Captain Youthful put a smile on his face and walked over to her,
«And why so glum, love? Don’t you wanna see me skin my croccodile?»
Zilla looked up at him with a frown,
«I don’t know what’s going on in that head of yours, your fancy-looking scum! But I am not your love! So you better keep thy tongue!»
«Woah!» Youthful let out, his hands in the air, «No need to get so defensive, lassie. This is just how we pirates talk. We call everyone for love. It means friend and mate.»
«Okay…» Zilla just say, fixing her gaze at her book again, but Youthful took it from her, «Hey!»
«Look. I want a warrior on our team, to help us slay that croccodile, so what’d you say? You in?»
Zilla thought for a moment,
«But I have my own problems to deal with. I’m going to have my revenge on Skywalker for pushing me away and choosing my sister over me.»
«We can help you with that.» he said with a glimpse of an smile, «If you help us, we help you. Sounds good?»
Zilla sighed,
«I should know better than to trust a pirate, but if it can get me my revenge, then I’m in.»
«Then we have a deal!» Captain Youthful smirked. Shaking hands with her before turning to his pirate-crew again, «One last drink mates! Then we’ll have a chat with destiny!» and then he continued on his song once again, «Singing Yo-ho, I’ll slaughter the swine! Yo-ho must be fates designe! For even more precious than rum in a stein, is revenge, revenge, revenge and its gonna be mine!»
Later that day, Zilla flyed through the corridor, flapping her wings.
Also she, had a song to sing about her revenge:
«I will fly into tomorow. Oh, Skyguy full of sorrow.» passing door after door of classrooms, when she came to the refrenge, «I’ll bring him some magic thing that’ll help to bring him down.» the pirates tight on her heel, «And when I stand victorious, Ahsoka then will see: He should have chosen me.» she stopped her flying, going down to the floor, walking through a door. The pirates didn’t follow her in here, but instead continued down the hallway.
Zilla looked around herself, confused when she saw school-children sitting at their desks. Looking up at her with wonder as she came inside. Then she looked at the teacher who stood in front at the blackboard, and gasped: It was Ahsoka.
«Oh… what am I doing here?» Zilla mumbled to herself.
«Well you are one wicked fairy, aren’t you?» Ahsoka began, «I heard your song in the hallway. You gonna take out my Master? Why?»
Zilla took some steps back,
«I’m sorry… but I really must do this…» she ran out, hearing Ahsoka shout after her,
Ahsoka sighed, wanting to go after her, but she simply couldn’t leave the children alone, so she had to stay untill her day was over.
She turned her gaze towards the window, seeing one wicked fairy flying past, and sighed even more.
«Once I lived in darkness, out there on my own…» she sang as thoughts came to here about when she had been on the run. From the one she had now returned to, because his heart were pure.
Anakin was in his office, as he got a call from Ahsoka who told him about Zillas wickedness and how she had become a fairy.
And when he hung up the phone, he stood up from his desk, walking out on the floor,
«Oh fairy of light!» he began, «I call upon thee! Show your self!» he looked around when nothing happened, «I said: Show yourself! Abigail!»
Then a great light flustered in the middle of the room, before Abigail appeared in the size of a human,
«Your wish is my command, o king.» she said humbly as she curtesied, «What do thy want?»
«What I want to know is, what have happened to Zilla? What did you do to her?»
Abigail just stared at him,
«That’s some poor choice of words, my dear. What you should better ask, is what you did, to make her like this in the first place.»
Anakin stared at her shocked,
«What are you talking about?»
The fairy walked slowly to the open window were Zilla was about to make her entrance,
«Deep down, you already know. Farewell, wise one.» and then she was gone, just as fast as she had appeared.
Just then, Zilla came flying through the window, carrying a gift with her,
«Skyguy!» she smiled, trying to look innocent, «Wanna have fun?»
«Not today, my apprentice. What do you have for me?»
Zilla smiled one of her wicked smiles
«It’s a fun gift! Open it.»
But before she could hand the wrapped box over to him, she felt a bang to the backhead, and everything went black before her eyes.
Anakin watched strangely on when she fell to the floor, unconscious. His gaze wandered towards a hooded figure behind her, that was holding a rock.
The figure let the hood down revealing their identity. Anakin tilted his head,
«It was a trap!» she said, «But I saved you.»
Anakin put up a little smile,
«Oh, the things you do to get me alone.»
«Stop talking.»
As Luke and Leia ran into the palace of the evil Queen, which name was Ventress, they came to an halt, looking around for her, as they wanted to defeat her with their song.
«Where is she?» Leia paced, «We have to find her so that we can do this before our parents come home and find that we’re gone!»
And then they heard a voice coming from behind,
«I’m right here, silly children.» and as they turned they saw the Queen walking towards them with a fire-ball in her hand, which she was ready to throw at them at any moment, «What is that thy want?»
Luke and Leia just grinned big,
«There’s a powerful magic when two voices soar.» walking towards her, driving her into a corner, «I’m ever more hopeful for what lies in store.»
«Stop! Please!» Ventress began, trying to cover her ears, but Luke and Leia went on with their song,
«Nothing will stop us, no not anymore! Watch the wish you made come true!»
«That is the love and its powerful magic can do!»
Ventress had sunken down on the floor, bracing herself for impact, as the kids surrounded her triumphantely.
But suddenly, she looked up at them with fire in her eyes,
«Fine!» she stated, «But I can sing too!» slowly rising up, «And my song is even more powerful!»
«No it isn’t.» the children teased her, «We have defeated you. The victory is ours. We won.»
Ventress narrowed her eyes at them,
«Wrong.» she said coldly before taking a deep breath, beginning with a rock «Down with hope down with dreams, don’t need blind faith to cope, or inspiring songs in my heart.»
Luke and Leia shared a shocked glance at each other when they realiced that they weren’t the only one that could use a song as a weapon.
And as the Queen continued, they also began again, and it went into an duet.
But as the queen was nearing the end of her song,
«Got the magic I need for my darkest of deeds…»
Luke and Leia just felt that they could sing forever and ever, but then, as Ventress got into her last verse:
«Let’s see how strong you are, when everything is spoken.» she then opened up a magic box that sucked their song, right out from their heart. And then she closed it. Smiling victorious at them.
When the children tried to sing again, it only became a shout,
«ITS A POWERFULL MAGIC…» and then they gasped. Leia’s eyes were filled with tears, «You took our song from us…» she said in a heartbreak.
«Yes.» Ventress grinned, «And not only yours, but everyones, in the whole kingdom.»
«Our joy… our hope…» Luke sniffed, «Gone…»
«Yeah… and so would you be, now out of my palace.» and she puffed them away through her magic cloud of purple smoke, so they appeared back at their own castle.
And once again in Leias bedroom, they stood, looking out of the window with saddened expressions on their faces.
It wasen’t soon that princess Leia slowly sank down at the floor, as tears streamed down her face,
«I can’t believe she took our song from us! I thought we could defeat her with it.»
Luke nodded as he looked towards the moon of the night,
«Yeah. It was a very powerful one. I can’t believe it’s gone.»
And as they sat down in their sorrow, the fairy Abigail came flying through the window,
«The song.» she began, «Everyone’s songs: It’s not truly gone, it’s still inside you somewhere. It was always there.» she sat down in the frame of the window as she began explaing how she had used her magic to just spice things up a little bit,
«And therefore, it happened that everyone kept bursting out in song whitout controll.»
Leia looked upon her,
«So you where the one who granted my wish?»
Abigail nodded,
«Yes, my child. But it wasn’t intended to use against Ventress.»
Ahsoka was slowly packing up for the day as the last kid left the classroom.
«I feel strange…» she mumbled to herself, «As if some magic has been swept away…»
She saw Anakin and Padme coming through the door, walking hand in hand,
«Wanna join us to the castle?» Anakin went.
Ahsoka nodded slowly,
«Yeah…» but she couldn’t quite shake the feeling of something strange in the air. Something in the atmosphere. And it wasen’t just that the magic that had filled peoples heart earlier this day was gone now, that she felt this way.
She felt something else, despite of magic being gone, something was coming. Something dark.
«Something is coming, Master.» she nearly wispered, «I can feel it.»
At last he ended up in the kingdom of Hasar-Adar. And in the academy in the autumn-side, were Anakin stayed, with his two padawan’s, he went up to the stage down in the cafeteria and grabbed the mic.
Unfortunately: he happened to be soaked in self-pity and rum when he should deliver his speech. But he didn’t seem to care about that.
«It’s all about honor, folks.» he said in a voice that didn’t sound drunk at all, «And this pirate right here:» pointing to himself, «Owns a lot of it.» but then he collapsed unto the floor, his mates laughing at him.
«Yo-ho!» the pirate replied, saluting with his hand above, «Captain Youthful: Out.» and then he fell asleep. His mates came forward, dragging him off the stage.
Nearby at a table: Zilla sat frustrated, gazing down in a spell-book, her wand resting over her knees.
She was so frustrated because her spell to duplicate Anakin had failed: It hadn’t even worked. And she wanted to find out why.
Just then, Abigail appeared in the other seat at the table,
«It’s because thy wand didn’t want you too.» she said behind gritted teeth, «It’s alive, just as you. And it didn’t want you to cast the spell.»
Zilla looked at her with an impatient look,
«Why didn’t you tell me that in the first time, so that I wouldn’t waste my time?»
«Because I knew that thou wouldn’t listen?»
Zilla turned several pages in the book,
«Maybe there’s some potion I can make, whom I can put in his tea or something…»
Abigail just shaked her head,
«Rule number one: Never use your magic for personal gain. And two: learn you book: read it tvize.»
Zilla smirked,
«Oh, I don’t need rules!» laughing, «I just follow my hearth!»
«Your rebellious little…» she looked towards the door and spotted a glimpse of Anakin and Ahsoka, «Quick! Hide thy wand! Here thy family comes.»
«How pretty!» Zilla replied, trying to sound evil, but she only made a fool of herself, that made Abigail raise her eyebrows at her silliness, «How very pretty indeed!» putting her wand away inside her sleeve.
Anakin and Ahsoka approched her table while Abigail vanished out of sight.
Zilla closed her book and looked up at them,
«So you’re finished with your little stunt of an training-exercise now, I asume?»
«Yup!» they both sat down at the other side of the table.
«Anakin has shown…» Ahsoka stopped herself in the middle of a sentence, as her gaze vandered towards Zilla’s spell-book, «What’s that?»
«Oh…» chuckling, «It’s nothing!» hiding it away under the table.
Anakin furroved his brow,
«You are keeping something from us.» he stated, «Tell us! Now! Family dosen’t keep secrets from one another.»
But Zilla just arose from the table,
«Tell you? After you pushed me away like that?» she turned on a wicked grin, «No!» and then her voice turned cold, «I’ll never tell you anything.» she walked away, with her book tucked close to her chest.
Anakin and Ahsoka shared a shocking glance at one another,
«Clearly something is going on with her.» Anakin said after she was gone, «And whatever that is, I’m gonna find out.»
«Someone or something…» Ahsoka nearly wispered, «Is telling her lies! She’s not the sister she used to be…»
Anakin nodded slowly,
«We’re gonna find that person, and we’re gonna make them pay!» he slammed his fist down in the table, «With the most powerful magic off all: We will suceed!»
Inside the hospital-academy at the autumn side, down in the basememt in the training-room: Ahsoka practised, holding those stones up in the air with her forcepowers, with her eyes closed.
«Thou art part of a great legacy.» she heard Anakin say in the distance, «A legacy of love and hope. And the most powerful magic of all.»
Ahsoka opened her eyes, and let the stones slowly reach the floor,
«But my part of that legacy is one of death… and destruction.»
«Ahsoka…» he said in a somber tone, «Don’t say that…»
«Hey, what’s going on?» they heard in the distance as Zilla strode towards them, «Look, Skyguy, if you are no longer gonna train Ahsoka, you should watch me, because I’m really gotten the hang of this! And soon, I’ll…»
«Zilla… enough about the brag. Dosen’t you see that we’re right in the middle of… a session?»
Zilla stepped back,
«I’ll see.» narrowing her eyes, «So you’re choosing her over me. Again.»
«That’s not what I meant, Zilla.» Anakin said emotionally, «It’s…»
«Oh… Don’t bother to apologize, master. I’ll be fine on my own anyways. Ta-ta!» And then she walked away.
Anakin turned his gaze back to Ahsoka,
«I’ll never should have taken two padawans at the same time… what were I thinking?»
Ahsoka turned up a little smile,
«But you’re doing great! Now with a pure hearth… You’re exactly the master we need.»
«I really hope so, Snips.»
«Well… it’s all up to you.»
Zilla walked through the corridors of the academy in frustration and anger. Her fists closed as tight as it could be.
Her eyes showed nothing but lightning.
It was just then, that the little fairy, Abigail showed up, in her tiny size, before she evolved into the size of a human, standing before her, putting her wings to rest.
«Zilla? What’s wrong, my dear?»
The girl stopped, loosening her fists,
«You know, I was so happy when my sister came back to us. But now, she have taken Anakin from me!»
«But my dear… I don’t think she has taken anything. You know, she’s the reason he’s good now, after all. So I think you should reconsider…»
Zilla suddenly got a slight smile on her face, and she plucked up her fairy wand from beneath her cloak. The one she received when she became a fairy. But Anakin didn’t know anything about that. Not yet.
«I’ve got an idea!» she said rather optimistic.
«Oh no…» Abigail said, «I hope it isn’t something bad.»
Zilla shaked her head,
«It’s not! But I’m gonna duplicate him, and then we will always be together!»
Abigail gave her a stern look,
«No. As your fairy-teacher, I must set my foot down! Duplication spells are very unsteady, and could easily go wrong. And we don’t want a corrupt duplication.»
But Zilla only laughed at that,
«Oh, not to worry. I know what I’m doing.»
«Do you? Because how I see it, you have only been a fairy for two days.»
«Ta-ta!» and then she extended her wings and flew away.
Some of the fairies where trapped in a small cage together with a troll, who had taken their wings. But the children got away from there. But they couldn’t get hands on their wings.
As they came to a childrens-home, which had everything of food they could eat, they figured out a way they could trick the troll and get back their wings.
One of the kids, Abigail, sneaked away, and she got inside a secret water-tunnel that led back to the trolls cage.
When she came back there, she befriended the beast, and brought back all the happy endings. She also brought the wings back to each kid, so they all could become fairies again and live happily ever after.
As Zilla woke up after her strange dream, she looked around herself, wondering where she was when she found herself sitting in a chair with her head on a desk.
Then she remembered: She was at the autumm-side, at the hospital-academy, inside Anakins office.
Anakin wasen’t there at the moment, so she was all alone.
But with his wife and children, safely home at the castle in winterland, Anakin would lay his royalty aside, and do what only he did best: Being Anakin.
Zilla muttered to herself as she sat in his chair in the empty office,
«They got their happy ending. I wonder if we got ours too.» Just as she said that, the little fairy, Abigail came flying in and landed on the desk before her. In reality she was tiny as a hand, as all the fairies were when they where they normal size,
«Someone mentioned a happy ending?» she asked with a smile, «What can I do for you?»
Zilla stared down at the little fairy,
«I had a strange dream tonight. Something about you fairies being human-kids.»
Abigail lighteded up,
«You mean you got the fairy dream?» she answered, sounding very exited, «That means you can become a fairy like us!» And before Zilla could even blink or answer, she pointed out her wand towards her, «Faerie enchantie!»
Zilla gasped as she suddenly was turned little with wings on her back,
«What did you do?»
«Do not worry. You can get big again at any time. Just close your eyes and wish for it.»
Zilla did as she said, and turned her own size again. Abigail also made herself big, before handing her a wand,
«And here is thy fairy wand…»
Zilla interrubted her,
«Look, I don’t want to be a fairy… I expect you turn me back again.»
«I can’t… But don’t you love it? You get to fly around and… grant people’s wishes.»
Zilla looked angrily at her,
«What should Anakin say, if he sees me like this?»
«I guess he… never will know? Just say a spell to hide thy wings and he’ll never know.»
«Okay… fine.»
And Abigail told her the spell to say, and Zilla said it after her. And just as her wings vanished, Anakin walked in to the office. And Abigail made herself little again and dissappeard out of sight.
«There you are.» he said with a smile, looking at the padawan who tried her best to look innocent, «I have something totally amazing to tell! Ahsoka is staying with us.»
Zilla stared at him,
«Then we got our happy ending!» she burst out with, but Anakin shaked his head,
«No, my dear, that’s not what this is. This: is our happy beginning.»
«Our happily ever after!» Zilla beamed with joy, seeing as Anakin nodded,
«Let us go down to the cafeteria, and let us all join together as family.»
«Because you’re scared? You weren’t always like this, Snips. Someone or something did this to you; changed you. And I’m gonna find the person who did this, and I’m gonna make them pay!»
«Master… no… I know exactly who that person was, and I am surprised that you dosen’t.»
«Tell me.»
«It. Was. You!»
«What?» Anakin was taken aback because he hadn’t expected this, «No!»
«Well, the truth hurts, dosen’t it?»
«Ahsoka… please… how can I make it up to you?»
«Action speaks louder than words, so you can start by locking my out of this!» she held up her left arm were the handcuff were attached to. Hindering her from going anywhere.
Anakin nodded, knipsing his fingers,
«Done.» and the handcuff fell off.
«And whatever you did to my sister,» she continued while leaving the bed, «You can undo it.»
«Done.» knipsing his fingers again.
Ahsoka tried to walk past him, through the door, but then he grabbed her arm,
«Ahsoka… please… Please! If thou art leaving, then tell me! Is there anything I can do for you to stay? Because I do anything.»
Ahsoka took a long breath in silence, looking down at the floor,
«Yes.» she said when she finally spoke again, «There is something.» and she lifted her gaze to look him in the eyes. And what she saw, was an desperate and pleading look, that were afraid of losing anything he held dear.
«Just keep your hearth pure, and do good. Then I… will always… be around.» And she turned around and walked down the corridor of the hospital building.
«Spoken like a true angel.» Anakin mumbled to himself before heading in the opposite dirrection.