
«You know Snips,» Anakin said as they were walking off.

Zilla was flying above them, doing some twist and turns in the sky, being a bit annoying to the Jedi-Knight, but he chose to ignore her,

«You know, my very young Apprentice, that where ever you go, I will always find you.»

Ahsoka nodded,

«Yes. Of course I know, my Master.»

«And there is no escape, no hiding.» he continued as he held his hand on her back, between her wings, «Wherever you are, I will search you up and I will get you. I will always come for you. There’s no escape from my grasp.»

Zilla flew down and landed on the ground,

«Are you trying to sow fear into your Padawan? Because…»

Anakin held up a dismissive hand towards her,

«Be quiet, Zilla.» He scolded, «You have no say in this matter.»



Ahsoka lowered her eyes to the ground as her master gently led the way they were going, holding her close to his side. And her sister just walked behind them in silence.

His Apprentice raised her head when she heard a song coming from a building in the distance, which they were going to get past,

«It’s the hard-knock life, for us. It’s the hard-knock life for us…»

She looked questingly to her Master,

«What’s that?»

Anakin sighed,

«That’s just an orphanage, Ahsoka.»

«Can we check it out? Please?»

He shaked his head, looking frustrated,

«There’s no time for that. There’s along way to the portal. And if we don’t get to it in time, it will close, and we will be trapped in here.»

Ahsoka sighed sadly and lowered her gaze to the ground once again.

Anakin had cautiously explained to them that they couldn’t enter back into the same portal which they came through in the first place, because of a traction force that would just pull them away from it. And therefore they had to find another portal which Anakin knew where was because he had been in this world before. But it was a long way. A wery long way. Fortyfive hours, maximum.

«But…» Ahsoka tried, carefully, «It wouldn’t hurt anybody to just check it out?»

Skywalker inhaled slowly,

«Okay… I guess a little look wouldn’t be bad.»

«Yess!» she lightened up, before turning to her twinsister, «Come on, Zilla!» and then the two off them went running in exitement towards the orphanage.

Anakin just shaked his head as he walked after them in an quick march, mumbling to himself,


Ahsoka and Zilla reach the door to the orphanage and stopped to knock,

«You think we get shown inside?» Ahsoka asked.

Zilla shruggered her shoulders,

«I don’t know, maybe.»

A high lady dressed in a dark gown, opened up. She stared down at them before she narrowed her eyes,

«And who might you be?»

The twins looked back up at her. Ahsoka tried in her curiosity to get a look at the inside and focused her eyes at the hall behind the lady.

«I’m Ahsoka.» she said after a!while, «And this is my sister Zilla. Is it you who run this orphanage?»

The lady’s lips turned to a narrow line,

«Yes.» she harshly said, «What do you want?»

Just then the girls heard a call from behind,

«Padawans!» as Anakin caught up with them.

The lady’s face changed as she saw him,

«Ah, a gentleman.» her lips curled a little up, and she set up her best expression, thinking he was interested to adopt a child or something. But Anakin just grabbed Ahsoka’s arm. Scolding in a whisper,

«What do you think you are doing?»

His Padawan looked back at him,

«I can feel their sorrow, Master. The kids here. I don’t think they have it so well…»

The lady in the door exhaled,

«I can ensure you that the Orphans is getting the best treatment and the best toys. They just love being here.» stepping aside in the doorway, «Want a tour inside?»gesturing with her arm as her eyes were fixed on the Jedi-Knight.

But Anakin just shaked his head,

«Thank you for the invitation, but we have no time.» placing his hands on Ahsoka’s shoulders and moving her away, «We have to go. Sorry for the interrubtion.»

«But Master…» Ahsoka protested, «Maybe we can help the Orphans here. That’s an opportunity we want let go away, is it?»

«We can’t help everyone, Snips. Now come on.»

Zilla stood her ground as she saw the other two slowly leave the area. Ahsoka looked at her in wonder as she gazed with confidement uo at the lady,

«I’m not leaving before I know exactly how the children are.» and then she ran past the lady and into the building.

«Zilla!» Ahsoka shouted, before she broke free from Anakins grip and ran after her.

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