Happily ever after

Willeth those characters find their happy ending, or willeth they be condemned to misery and hearthbreak forever?

There was only one way to find out: Through the most powerfull magic off all: Through love and hope.

Once upon a time, the fairies of Hasar-Adar, where human-Kids who had lost their wings.

Some of the fairies where trapped in a small cage together with a troll, who had taken their wings. But the children got away from there. But they couldn’t get hands on their wings.

As they came to a childrens-home, which had everything of food they could eat, they figured out a way they could trick the troll and get back their wings.

One of the kids, Abigail, sneaked away, and she got inside a secret water-tunnel that led back to the trolls cage.

When she came back there, she befriended the beast, and brought back all the happy endings. She also brought the wings back to each kid, so they all could become fairies again and live happily ever after.


As Zilla woke up after her strange dream, she looked around herself, wondering where she was when she found herself sitting in a chair with her head on a desk.

Then she remembered: She was at the autumm-side, at the hospital-academy, inside Anakins office.

Anakin wasen’t there at the moment, so she was all alone.

But with his wife and children, safely home at the castle in winterland, Anakin would lay his royalty aside, and do what only he did best: Being Anakin.

Zilla muttered to herself as she sat in his chair in the empty office,

«They got their happy ending. I wonder if we got ours too.» Just as she said that, the little fairy, Abigail came flying in and landed on the desk before her. In reality she was tiny as a hand, as all the fairies were when they where they normal size,

«Someone mentioned a happy ending?» she asked with a smile, «What can I do for you?»

Zilla stared down at the little fairy,

«I had a strange dream tonight. Something about you fairies being human-kids.»

Abigail lighteded up,

«You mean you got the fairy dream?» she answered, sounding very exited, «That means you can become a fairy like us!» And before Zilla could even blink or answer, she pointed out her wand towards her, «Faerie enchantie!»

Zilla gasped as she suddenly was turned little with wings on her back,

«What did you do?»

«Do not worry. You can get big again at any time. Just close your eyes and wish for it.»

Zilla did as she said, and turned her own size again. Abigail also made herself big, before handing her a wand,

«And here is thy fairy wand…»

Zilla interrubted her,

«Look, I don’t want to be a fairy… I expect you turn me back again.»

«I can’t… But don’t you love it? You get to fly around and… grant people’s wishes.»

Zilla looked angrily at her,

«What should Anakin say, if he sees me like this?»

«I guess he… never will know? Just say a spell to hide thy wings and he’ll never know.»

«Okay… fine.»

And Abigail told her the spell to say, and Zilla said it after her. And just as her wings vanished, Anakin walked in to the office. And Abigail made herself little again and dissappeard out of sight.

«There you are.» he said with a smile, looking at the padawan who tried her best to look innocent, «I have something totally amazing to tell! Ahsoka is staying with us.»

Zilla stared at him,

«Then we got our happy ending!» she burst out with, but Anakin shaked his head,

«No, my dear, that’s not what this is. This: is our happy beginning.»

«Our happily ever after!» Zilla beamed with joy, seeing as Anakin nodded,

«Let us go down to the cafeteria, and let us all join together as family.»

The truth

«So you’ve come to hurt me now, haven’t you?» Ahsoka spat, narrowing her eyes, «That won’t make me come back to you! Nothing ever will!»

«Ahsoka… you must have hit your head pretty badly if you think that I would ever harm you. Because I would never do that.»

«Master… I am sorry for running away, but I got to live my own life now. And that is not with you.»

«Because you’re scared? You weren’t always like this, Snips. Someone or something did this to you; changed you. And I’m gonna find the person who did this, and I’m gonna make them pay!»

«Master… no… I know exactly who that person was, and I am surprised that you dosen’t.»

«Tell me.»

«It. Was. You!»

«What?» Anakin was taken aback because he hadn’t expected this, «No!»

«Well, the truth hurts, dosen’t it?»

«Ahsoka… please… how can I make it up to you?»

«Action speaks louder than words, so you can start by locking my out of this!» she held up her left arm were the handcuff were attached to. Hindering her from going anywhere.

Anakin nodded, knipsing his fingers,

«Done.» and the handcuff fell off.

«And whatever you did to my sister,» she continued while leaving the bed, «You can undo it.»

«Done.» knipsing his fingers again.

Ahsoka tried to walk past him, through the door, but then he grabbed her arm,

«Ahsoka… please… Please! If thou art leaving, then tell me! Is there anything I can do for you to stay? Because I do anything.»

Ahsoka took a long breath in silence, looking down at the floor,

«Yes.» she said when she finally spoke again, «There is something.» and she lifted her gaze to look him in the eyes. And what she saw, was an desperate and pleading look, that were afraid of losing anything he held dear.

«Just keep your hearth pure, and do good. Then I… will always… be around.» And she turned around and walked down the corridor of the hospital building.

«Spoken like a true angel.» Anakin mumbled to himself before heading in the opposite dirrection.



«I just can’t quite understand that you had me writing this.» Miriam said, clearly upset as she looked over the text before glancing over at the spy-globe, where she could she Ahsoka sleeping in a room that were illuminated with light, «Just look at her! Even in her sleep, she’s sad…»

But Rumple just smiled,

«Oh my dearie, dearie, dear… You’re doing a great job. We’re gonna bring back her happy ending.»

«But not like this! I never intended for her to be sad like this… I wouldn’t want for her to just dump Anakin…»

«She will be reminded of her old life, dearie.»


Rumple put his hand on her shoulder, leaning close to her ear,

«Because you gonna write it!» then he leaned back, clapping his hands together, giggling, «Now write!»

But Miriam put the pen down,

«I don’t wanna be a part of your game anymore. I’m gonna unwrite this, and everything is gonna be as it once was…»

Rumple enchanted the paper and took it from her,

«Oh, but you can’t dearie. You know; every word that comes out from that pen of yours; it be written in stone; you can’t change it.» he rolled the paper together, «This; goes to your vault.»

Miriam stared confused at him,

«I have a vault?»

Rumple giggled again,

«Oh yes, dearie! Right in the center of this kingdom! It contains everything you ever wrote. I’m gonna show ya.»



Ahsoka woke up, and looked arround her,

«Where am I?»

«Good morning, dear.» a nurse said, who came in with a plate of fodd, «I’m glad to see that you’re finally awake. Someone is eager to see ya.» setting the plate down before her.

«But where am I?» Ahsoka asked again.

«That’s not important, sweetie. What really matters is that you are safe and where you belong.»

«Belong?» she pondered the answer for a moment, before her expression turned dull, «No…»

«Look who’s here to see ya; Your sister.»

Ahsoka turned her gaze towards the door, and saw Zilla striding in towards the bed. And the nurse left the room,

«I’m been waiting, sis.» she said, grabbing her hand, «For you to wake up again. Now we can finally be together, as everything should be.»

Ahsoka stared back at her with a confused mind,

«Together?» as memories flashed through her head, she remembered what happened yesterday, «Anakin!»

Zilla turned up a smile,

«Yep! He’s here waiting too. Are you ready to meet him?»

«I have to get out of here!» she tried to get out of the bed, but then she found that her left arm were handcuffed to the side of the bed, «No…» she said in a low, dissapointed tone, «No…»

But it didn’t seem to affect Zilla’s smile, as she strode arround, happy as ever. Dread covered Ahsoka’s face when she looked her in the eyes,

«You’re brainwashed!»

«Ta-ta!» she strode towards the door gesticulating with her arms, «Here comes Anakin!»


«Ahsoka, stop!» Zilla begged her as she was running after her sister through the forest, «Anakin isn’t the evil you need to run from. Stop turning your back on your family!»

Ahsoka sighed, before turning around to face her, letting her catch up with her,

«You know what, Zilla?» she said in an arrogant tone, «Just because you’re my sister, dosen’t mean you can stop me.»

«Then what can? Anakin is looking out for you, and he always will. I made a promise to stop you from reaching your destiny, and I’m gonna fulfill it.»

«I won’t allow it!» Ahsoka snapped before activating her lightsaber. But it was a little rusty because it was so long since she had last used it.

Zilla also activated her two blades, and then they stood still, staring each other into the eyes.

«Please, sister…» Zilla begged, «I don’t want to hurt you… I don’t want this to come into an fight… that would brake my heart.»

«Perhaps you should lay your weapons aside and let me go?»


But suddenly Anakin appeared in a cloud of blue smoke, right in the middle of them. As if he had been watching them through a spy-globe, and therefore knew everything that was happening and was about to unfold.

His face looked grim as he stretched out his arms to each side,

«I won’t let you two tear this family appart!» he said in the darkest of tones before he put them to sleep with some kind of force-spell.


But despite all of this; Rumple, was looking through his spy-globe, laying his hands together as he smirked,

«I have them right where I want them.»

Broken trust

«This is not the reunion I intended for us to have, Snips.» Anakin said in an soft voice.

«And I…» her lips began to shiver as she held the dagger towards him, «I didn’t intend for us to meet at all!» she shouted. But it was in an broken voice, and then the tears came, and she started weaping, the dagger falling to the floor.

«Ahsoka…» he took a step closer as his tone flooded over with empathy.

«No! Do not come closer! As my master, you have failed me, and I am not coming back to you!»

Anakin stopped a few inches from her, fixing his gaze on the floor,

«I never failed you. I was always trying to find you. You were the one running away. If you’d only realize that I would never harm you.»

«But you let this darkness into your heart…» Ahsoka wiped her tears before shaking her head, «Just give me my braid back, and I be on my way.»

Anakin reached inside his pocket,

«And I am not going to stop you.» dropping it into her open palm, «Whatever you’ll decide to do, I will be there to help.»

Ahsoka stared confused at him,

«I don’t need anything from you. I’m going to see Rumple, and I’m getting as far away from you as I possibly can.» attaching the braid to the back of her head, «I’m not sure that I even can trust you. And broken trust, that’s the worst.»

«Then I wanna make it up to you, if you let me. I’m gonna be the master you deserve, the one you want me to be.»

But Ahsoka sadly shaked her head,

«It’s to late for that now… master.» and then she walked out of the tent, without saying anything more.

Anakin raised his gaze towards Zilla whom stood in the back off the tent and haven’t said a word so far,

«Follow her.» he commanded in a much darker tone, «Make sure she dosen’t come far, and cut her way down. I will not let her destroy herself to that Rumple.»

Zilla curtsied, streching her dress out,

«Your will be done, my lord.» and then she grabbed the dagger from the floor and ran off.


«What’s really going on Ash?» Zilla asked her sister who now was looking out the plastic-window in the tent, spotting the King headed right towards them, «Why do you want your Padawan-braid back if you have no plan of being a Padawan again?»

«It’s for a deal!» she turned towards her with a frightened look on her face, «He’s coming! What are we going to do?»

«Nothing!» Zilla answeared, taking up a dagger, «You left me in the forest. But this time,» she slowly walked towards her, «I won’t let you leave!» her eyes darkened as she held the dagger towards a confused Ahsoka.

«But sister…»

Just then, Anakin came into the tent,

«Zilla, it’s time for…» his face dropped when he saw the two of them together, «Ahsoka?»

Ahsoka quickly grabbed a weapon nearby, which she used to threaten him,

«Stay back! Give me my Padawan-braid.»

Zilla lowered her dagger,

«Yeah, sister.» she said in a cold voice, «Give him what he deserve. Make him pay for every time he’s been hard on you.


Miriam sat on the floor in the cold bedroom in Rumples castle. Just staring at the wall as the time went by.

Suddenly her door opened itself up, and she knew it was Rumple’s magic that did it.

She slowly got up to her feet, walking towards the door, and tilted her head out,


But the pathway outside her room, laid in dark, with no light lit. It didn’t seem he was there. Had he left? And then used his magic to open up her door? Why would he do that?

Run! Flee! Hide! Away!

«Whenever I get the opportunity, I’m gonna run as far away from you as I possibly can. To a place where you’ll never find me.»

«Then I’m gonna hunt you down, dearie. For the rest of your life.»



Rumblestilskin held hard arround the authors hand-wrist.

They had reached their destinaton now, and could see his castle in the distance where they stood on top of the hill, the dark forest behind them.

«You can let go of my arm now.» Miriam told him, «It’s not like I’m gonna run away or something. Not now.»

Rumble pointed to the castle,

«There is where you stay, untill Ahsoka returns with the braid. And then, you’re gonna write everything I say.»



Ahsoka had reached the royal camp now, where King Anakin stayed with his crew for the moment.

Her amulet pointed the way to where her sister was, and she hurridly sneaked insided one of the tents where Zilla laid sleeping.

«Sister?» she gently pushed her in the side, «Sister, I’m here for my braid, do you still got it?»

Zilla opened her eyes, with a puzled look,

«Ahsoka?» then shock grew on her face, «Ahsoka! What are you doing here? If the king sees you, he won’t make you leave!»

«I know. But I’m only here to get my braid back, now where is it? Hurry!»

Zilla furrowed her brow,

«Your Padawan-braid?»


Zilla looked down on the floor,

«I don’t have it anymore. I gave it to Anakin. I figured he’d wanna have it?»

«You did what?» she put her hand to her forehead, «Oh how am I gonna get it now?» pacing back and forth.

«If you ask nicely, I am sure he’ll give it to you.»

But Ahsoka shaked her head sadly,

«I’m not gonna reveal myself to him. There has to be another way.»



«And here’s your room, dearie.» Rumblestilskin said. Pushing the author inside a door into a dusty little chamber that looked more like a cell than a bedroom.

With one small bed without even a blanket.

The floor was hard and cold to step on, and it was no window in the room.

«I simply need to put you away, when I want to be alone.» Rumble continued, «But clearly you understand that, dearie, right?» smiling one of his creepy smiles that made Miriam shudder.

«I’m not one of you objects, Rumble!» she defended herself, «I don’t even want to be here. I just wanna go home.»

«Oh. But the deal isn’t fullfilled yet, dearie. Have some patience, would you?»

«What deal? What are you talking about?»

Rumble giggled,

«The one which you wrote about, remember? What were you thinking was gonna happen? That I wasen’t going to come and get you? That I wasen’t going to collect you in after you wrote that?»

Miriam fixed her gaze at the floor,

«I have no idea what you’re talking about. What I write in my book, can’t happen for real, it’s just some fantasy-story.»

Rumble leaned closer to her ear,

«But is it just in your head? That is what you should ask yourself about. See you so long, dearie.» and then he closed the door shut, and locked her inside with a key.

Rumble visit author

«Whatever torture-device you have in here, I’m not gonna be a part of it. I’m not gonna be your lab-rat.»

«Then my experiment has failed…»

«I’m not a experiment. I’m much more than that.» grabbing a knife, «I’ll show ya.»


Rumblestilskin just shoved up into the Author’s world. In a fog of red smoke that dissappeared moments later.

He was now standing in her chamber, watching the young one sleep for the night,

«Hello, dearie.»

Miriam slowly opened her eyes. And blinked in confusion towards him,

«Who are you?»

The man walked closer towards her bed,

«The question isn’t who I am, dearie.» he said, before smiling one of his creepy smiles, «But rather what I’m doing here.»


He touched her shoulder quickly with his hand,

«Boop!» giggling, «I’m here because one off your characters has requested too see you, and have made a deal with me. So that means, you are coming with me, and if you resist, I will make it much harder for you.»

Miriam wrinkled her brow,

«I haven’t written a book yet… What are you talking about? You must be a mad-man!»

Rumblestilskin giggled once again,

«No, but you will dearie. Unfortunately for you, the kingdom wich you are writing about, has already been created, and the characters are much alive. Don’t you wanna see them?»

But Miriam reached for her phone who was laying on the desk beneath her,

«Get out before I call the police, you…»

The monster just waved his hand around, and the phone vanished before ending up in his palm,

«You shouldn’t doubt people that fast, dearie.» he said in his satisfying tone, crushing the phone to dust, «I promise you, that it will be fun to come with me. And when it’s over, I will return you here, and you wont even remember it, so what’d you say?»

«Get out!»

«Oh, no, dearie.» he waved his hand around, one last time, making them both dissappear in a cloud of red smoke.


«Look at that!» Hagar exlaimed to her sister, Isha, where they now sat at a table inside the forest-bar who worked more like a cafeteria.

The latest news about the royal family were showed on a screen near the bar-desk.

Now it was king Anakin who showed up at the screen, but he looked more threathening than ever before,

«I have brought peace, justice, and security to my new kingdom!» his voice was heard from the speaker, «When everyone hear my new name: Vader; They will fall down and worship me, because I’m the chosen one!»

Hagar and Isha looked at each other,

«This is serious!» they murmured as the news faded out, «That is not the Anakin who onced saved us from the pirates!»

«Maybe its time we go and visit him? See if he really means that?»

«But is it safe to do so?»

«I don’t know, but… it’s Anakin, he’s always been nice to us, what could happen? Maybe he’ll be glad to see us after all, right.»

«If you think so, I’m in.»

Hondo Ohnaka who also had made his way through the portal, into Hasar-Adar, came walking towards them, carrying little Abid with one arm,

«Ah!» he bursted out as he sat down beside them, putting his flask to his mouth, «Nothing can separate a pirate from his rum!»

Isha took their little brother from his arms,

«We’re sorry for leaving Abid with you.» she appoligized, «We hope he didn’t bring you any trouble.»

Hondo bursted out in laughter as he set his flask down,

«Are you kidding? I love that little lad! And I’m gonna teach him how to be a pirate!»

«Arrgh!» it came from the three year little boy, «I am a pirate! Hondo’s the best!»

Hagar sighed,

«Now he’s gonna be with his sisters. We take that weight off your shoulders. You don’t have to be a babysitter any more.»

Hondo shaked his head, before putting his feet on the table and leaning back in his chair,

«Don’t bother, girls. He’s wonderfully fine with me.»

A rumble and asunder

«Rumblestilskin!» The pale face of a man said, as he bowed humbly, taking off his hat.

His hair was gray, and his teeth, were dark, with a spankle of yellowness, «I’m at your sercice!» he straigtened up.

Ahsoka stood there still, looking at him in silence.

Had she reached the end if her journey? Was this it?

«Are you the author?» she asked dreadfully, «The one I’m looking for? I want you to change my fate.»

Rumblestilskin grinned at her,

«Your fate, your fate, your fate.» he began, walking arround her, smiling scary. He stopped in front of her, holding out his hand, «Everything comes with a price, dearie. So what would you give me?»

«I… I wanna make sure that you’re the author first.» Ahsoka answered.



«Here he comes!» Luke and Leia said taking a quick glance at their father from their hidingplace where they stood, «Operation racoon is on!» he was heading right for them. Had he seen them?


«What I would give you, is…» Ahsoka hesitated, as she looked up at the ghostly man, «What do you want?»

Rumblestilskin grinned again, showing off his teeth,

«You where once a Padawan, right?»

«I still am…» she said, looking down with shame, «It’s just…»

«You don’t need to explain, dearie. I simply want your braid!»


«Father!» Luke began when the King had approched them, «Is everything allright with aunt Zia?» meaning Zilla, «What happened to her?»

«Everything is under controll, my prince.» Anakin said, stroking his hand over the boys head, «Don’t worry.»

«But we do worry.» Leia joined in, «We worry about you.»

«And why’s that?»

«Because… because you don’t seem happy. Is there anything we can do?»



«But I don’t have it anymore.» Ahsoka bursted out, «I gave it to my sister.»

«Then take it back, and give it to me.»

«But I can’t go back!» Ahsoka bursted out in tears, «I don’t wanna meet Anakin…»

«You simply have to do if you want your fate changed, dearie.»

«But you are The Author, right?»

«I never said I was The Author, I said I was The one.»

«The one what?»

«The one who knows, The Author.»

«So you only know him?»

Rumble laughed,

«Give me what I want, and I will get him for ya. Do we have a deal?»

Ahsoka looked down for a moment, uncertain. But then she quickly looked him in the eyes, saying,


And Rumble laid his hands together, doing a bow with his back,

«It is settled then. Go and fullfill your destiny, and I will meet you here afterwards.» and then he simply poffed himself away in a purple smoke, leaving the Padawan standing there, alone.



«But you have to listen too us, father!» Luke and Leia insisted after they had talked to him after a while, «Bringing back Soka, is the only way!»

Anakin just stared into the the distance,

«You know nothing… she was the one who ran away in the first place…»

«You always tells us stories about her, daddy. And what we know from them, is that you loved her very much.»

«Enough of this!» he said in a harsh tone, «I tried to get her back once, and… I failed!»

«But she’s the key, father.»
