Happily ever after

Willeth those characters find their happy ending, or willeth they be condemned to misery and hearthbreak forever?

There was only one way to find out: Through the most powerfull magic off all: Through love and hope.

Once upon a time, the fairies of Hasar-Adar, where human-Kids who had lost their wings.

Some of the fairies where trapped in a small cage together with a troll, who had taken their wings. But the children got away from there. But they couldn’t get hands on their wings.

As they came to a childrens-home, which had everything of food they could eat, they figured out a way they could trick the troll and get back their wings.

One of the kids, Abigail, sneaked away, and she got inside a secret water-tunnel that led back to the trolls cage.

When she came back there, she befriended the beast, and brought back all the happy endings. She also brought the wings back to each kid, so they all could become fairies again and live happily ever after.


As Zilla woke up after her strange dream, she looked around herself, wondering where she was when she found herself sitting in a chair with her head on a desk.

Then she remembered: She was at the autumm-side, at the hospital-academy, inside Anakins office.

Anakin wasen’t there at the moment, so she was all alone.

But with his wife and children, safely home at the castle in winterland, Anakin would lay his royalty aside, and do what only he did best: Being Anakin.

Zilla muttered to herself as she sat in his chair in the empty office,

«They got their happy ending. I wonder if we got ours too.» Just as she said that, the little fairy, Abigail came flying in and landed on the desk before her. In reality she was tiny as a hand, as all the fairies were when they where they normal size,

«Someone mentioned a happy ending?» she asked with a smile, «What can I do for you?»

Zilla stared down at the little fairy,

«I had a strange dream tonight. Something about you fairies being human-kids.»

Abigail lighteded up,

«You mean you got the fairy dream?» she answered, sounding very exited, «That means you can become a fairy like us!» And before Zilla could even blink or answer, she pointed out her wand towards her, «Faerie enchantie!»

Zilla gasped as she suddenly was turned little with wings on her back,

«What did you do?»

«Do not worry. You can get big again at any time. Just close your eyes and wish for it.»

Zilla did as she said, and turned her own size again. Abigail also made herself big, before handing her a wand,

«And here is thy fairy wand…»

Zilla interrubted her,

«Look, I don’t want to be a fairy… I expect you turn me back again.»

«I can’t… But don’t you love it? You get to fly around and… grant people’s wishes.»

Zilla looked angrily at her,

«What should Anakin say, if he sees me like this?»

«I guess he… never will know? Just say a spell to hide thy wings and he’ll never know.»

«Okay… fine.»

And Abigail told her the spell to say, and Zilla said it after her. And just as her wings vanished, Anakin walked in to the office. And Abigail made herself little again and dissappeard out of sight.

«There you are.» he said with a smile, looking at the padawan who tried her best to look innocent, «I have something totally amazing to tell! Ahsoka is staying with us.»

Zilla stared at him,

«Then we got our happy ending!» she burst out with, but Anakin shaked his head,

«No, my dear, that’s not what this is. This: is our happy beginning.»

«Our happily ever after!» Zilla beamed with joy, seeing as Anakin nodded,

«Let us go down to the cafeteria, and let us all join together as family.»

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