Run! Flee! Hide! Away!

«Whenever I get the opportunity, I’m gonna run as far away from you as I possibly can. To a place where you’ll never find me.»

«Then I’m gonna hunt you down, dearie. For the rest of your life.»



Rumblestilskin held hard arround the authors hand-wrist.

They had reached their destinaton now, and could see his castle in the distance where they stood on top of the hill, the dark forest behind them.

«You can let go of my arm now.» Miriam told him, «It’s not like I’m gonna run away or something. Not now.»

Rumble pointed to the castle,

«There is where you stay, untill Ahsoka returns with the braid. And then, you’re gonna write everything I say.»



Ahsoka had reached the royal camp now, where King Anakin stayed with his crew for the moment.

Her amulet pointed the way to where her sister was, and she hurridly sneaked insided one of the tents where Zilla laid sleeping.

«Sister?» she gently pushed her in the side, «Sister, I’m here for my braid, do you still got it?»

Zilla opened her eyes, with a puzled look,

«Ahsoka?» then shock grew on her face, «Ahsoka! What are you doing here? If the king sees you, he won’t make you leave!»

«I know. But I’m only here to get my braid back, now where is it? Hurry!»

Zilla furrowed her brow,

«Your Padawan-braid?»


Zilla looked down on the floor,

«I don’t have it anymore. I gave it to Anakin. I figured he’d wanna have it?»

«You did what?» she put her hand to her forehead, «Oh how am I gonna get it now?» pacing back and forth.

«If you ask nicely, I am sure he’ll give it to you.»

But Ahsoka shaked her head sadly,

«I’m not gonna reveal myself to him. There has to be another way.»



«And here’s your room, dearie.» Rumblestilskin said. Pushing the author inside a door into a dusty little chamber that looked more like a cell than a bedroom.

With one small bed without even a blanket.

The floor was hard and cold to step on, and it was no window in the room.

«I simply need to put you away, when I want to be alone.» Rumble continued, «But clearly you understand that, dearie, right?» smiling one of his creepy smiles that made Miriam shudder.

«I’m not one of you objects, Rumble!» she defended herself, «I don’t even want to be here. I just wanna go home.»

«Oh. But the deal isn’t fullfilled yet, dearie. Have some patience, would you?»

«What deal? What are you talking about?»

Rumble giggled,

«The one which you wrote about, remember? What were you thinking was gonna happen? That I wasen’t going to come and get you? That I wasen’t going to collect you in after you wrote that?»

Miriam fixed her gaze at the floor,

«I have no idea what you’re talking about. What I write in my book, can’t happen for real, it’s just some fantasy-story.»

Rumble leaned closer to her ear,

«But is it just in your head? That is what you should ask yourself about. See you so long, dearie.» and then he closed the door shut, and locked her inside with a key.

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