A rumble and asunder

«Rumblestilskin!» The pale face of a man said, as he bowed humbly, taking off his hat.

His hair was gray, and his teeth, were dark, with a spankle of yellowness, «I’m at your sercice!» he straigtened up.

Ahsoka stood there still, looking at him in silence.

Had she reached the end if her journey? Was this it?

«Are you the author?» she asked dreadfully, «The one I’m looking for? I want you to change my fate.»

Rumblestilskin grinned at her,

«Your fate, your fate, your fate.» he began, walking arround her, smiling scary. He stopped in front of her, holding out his hand, «Everything comes with a price, dearie. So what would you give me?»

«I… I wanna make sure that you’re the author first.» Ahsoka answered.



«Here he comes!» Luke and Leia said taking a quick glance at their father from their hidingplace where they stood, «Operation racoon is on!» he was heading right for them. Had he seen them?


«What I would give you, is…» Ahsoka hesitated, as she looked up at the ghostly man, «What do you want?»

Rumblestilskin grinned again, showing off his teeth,

«You where once a Padawan, right?»

«I still am…» she said, looking down with shame, «It’s just…»

«You don’t need to explain, dearie. I simply want your braid!»


«Father!» Luke began when the King had approched them, «Is everything allright with aunt Zia?» meaning Zilla, «What happened to her?»

«Everything is under controll, my prince.» Anakin said, stroking his hand over the boys head, «Don’t worry.»

«But we do worry.» Leia joined in, «We worry about you.»

«And why’s that?»

«Because… because you don’t seem happy. Is there anything we can do?»



«But I don’t have it anymore.» Ahsoka bursted out, «I gave it to my sister.»

«Then take it back, and give it to me.»

«But I can’t go back!» Ahsoka bursted out in tears, «I don’t wanna meet Anakin…»

«You simply have to do if you want your fate changed, dearie.»

«But you are The Author, right?»

«I never said I was The Author, I said I was The one.»

«The one what?»

«The one who knows, The Author.»

«So you only know him?»

Rumble laughed,

«Give me what I want, and I will get him for ya. Do we have a deal?»

Ahsoka looked down for a moment, uncertain. But then she quickly looked him in the eyes, saying,


And Rumble laid his hands together, doing a bow with his back,

«It is settled then. Go and fullfill your destiny, and I will meet you here afterwards.» and then he simply poffed himself away in a purple smoke, leaving the Padawan standing there, alone.



«But you have to listen too us, father!» Luke and Leia insisted after they had talked to him after a while, «Bringing back Soka, is the only way!»

Anakin just stared into the the distance,

«You know nothing… she was the one who ran away in the first place…»

«You always tells us stories about her, daddy. And what we know from them, is that you loved her very much.»

«Enough of this!» he said in a harsh tone, «I tried to get her back once, and… I failed!»

«But she’s the key, father.»


Ahsoka’s struggle

Ahsoka was running through the jungle on the far side of Hasar-Adar.

The voice of Anakin Skywalker ringing through her head,

«You can’t run away, Ahsoka, you can’t run away.»

She came to a halt and looked around. Didn’t know where she was now, but she was looking for an author who could change her fate, and she wanted to get as far away, as possible

But was she doing the right thing?

She thought back to when she had falled from that hill-top. Before she blacked out, before she fell through a portal, before she was rescued.

That shadow, it had transformed into an snake.

A snake, that had looked down at her. It piercing, yellow eyes, striking fear into her heart…

She had thought that shadow was Anakin… but was it not?

Hadn’t he tried to contact her while she was away? Coming in a form of a shadow?

She had so many question… and if she would had them answered, maybe the right thing was to go back. Back to the life she knew… as a Padawan, of the king of winter-land who were once a Jedi-knight.

But when all came together, she didn’t want him to be king, she didn’t want to be related to royalty.

She wished they could go back, to the real world.


«Henceforth, thou will be known as… Darth… Vader.»

«Thank you… master.» King Anakin said, bowing down to the hologram who Sidious had managed to send across time and space. From the other dimension he was in. To the very kingdom of Hasar-Adar.

But in the tent’s opening, stood his newest apprentice, Zilla.

The young teenager had come back from her trip in search for Ahsoka who refused to come back with her, and now she gasped, before covering her mouth with her hand.

She had heard everything of the conversation between the humble king and the Sith.

As Anakin slowly turned around to face her, looking surprised that she was back, she took a step back as fear overwhelmed her, when she saw that his eyes where glowing with yellowness.

«Master?» she carefully wispered.

Then his face turned grim, and he stretched out his arm towards her. His fingers and his tump were a few inches from each other, and Zilla felt her feet leaving the ground as she got lifted into the air by invisible forces.

She could no longer breathe, and her surrondings started to blur as everything became unfocused before her eyes.

«You should not have seen this!» she heard him say, «Nor should you had heard…»

And then, every noise became more distanced, as her eyes fell down, and everything slowly, became black.


Zilla woke up, finding herself lying in a bed in another tent.

She slowly rose up into an sitting position.

Then she got aware of Anakin who sat there on a chair near the opening.

«What did you do to me?» she yelled. Her voice a little to harsh than she really meant.

Anakin turned his head towards her,

«What is you talking about, Zilla?» he asked as he rose up, «I found you.» and his voice where soft as he walked up to the side of the bed, «I think you must have hitten your head.»

Zilla looked down at her hands who were resting upon the quilt,

«No…» she looked up with confusion, «I saw you… talking to a Sith… and…»

King Anakin placed his hand on her shoulder,

«Whatever you think you saw, Padawan; It was only in your head.»

Is it a wedding? Or it is a joke?

Twelve year old Amanda stood in the entrance of the dark palace, when princess Karinne came in, followed by prince Luke and princess Leia, who still had the racoon with them.

She was dressed up in the most glorious wedding dress. With white roses in her hands. But her face looked anguished, and where painted with grief. As if she had just been crying in sorrow. Pouring out her heart, alone. With fear. And anxiety.

She now stood there, looking straight in front of here as the royal’s came in. And her face shoved no feelings at all.

«What’s going on, mother?» princess Karinne asked as she closed the door.

The evil Queen Ventress, came walking up to them from the throne longer inside, and she gently laid her small, long fingers upon Amanda’s shoulders,

«A wedding dearie. Isn’t she beatiful?»

Karinne looked shocked at her,

«Who’s wedding, mother?»

«Yours! I simply needed someone to try your wedding-dress on, and it fits perfect.»

«You mean it isn’t Amanda’s wedding?»

«No.» chuckling, «Of course not.»

Karinne took some steps back,

«Oh, I ain’t getting married, mother. I’m only eight.»

Princess Karinne and racoon’s day

«We brought a racoon! Happy racoons day, father!» the royal twins, seven year old Luke and Leia announced.

King Anakin frowned,

«Get that thing, elsewhere! While I am packing up here, I want no racoon!»

The twins shared a dissapointed look at each other, before they walked away. Leaving the camp. They walked in the direction of the springside, leaving the forest.

Springside and autumn side layed just between both winter-land and summer-land and it was there the royal school also was. Which were just for royalty.

When they came to the school, they found princess Karinne, who were eight, sitting outside the building, on the fresh grass, with her legs crossed.

It looked like as if she was in a deep meditation.

«Hi, Karin.» Luke said.

Karinne opened her eyes that became hard as steel,

«It’s Karinne!» she yelled, K-A-R-I-N-N-E, Karinne.»

«Sorry…» Luke appologized, feeling uncomfortable, «But how shall we know the difference?»

«Never mind…» the princess rose up to her feet, kicking away a grass stubble with her boot, «My mother dosen’t understand me, and she dosen’t even try to.» looking up at them, «All she care about, is being a dark one

«What’s a dark one?» the twins asked.

«Well, you know, you have this special dark power… and a dagger with your name on it.» she spit on the ground, «She is guarding that dagger with her life. No one is allowed to touch it.» She gestured dramatically with her hands in the air, «I can’t even enter every room in my own home.» her last sentence was a shout, and then it was silence.

Leia had a distanced look on her face, as if she was far away,

«You can eat of every three in the garden…» she said with a sleepy voice, «But this one; this is classified…»

Prince Luke smiled at his silly sister before his look grew serious again,

«Who is your mother?» he asked.

Karinne lowered her gaze,

«The evil Queen. Ventress. But I’m nothing like her.»

«Perhaps we can… help you?»

«Help me?» she stared them up and down, «Eh, no.» and then she turned her back at them.

Leia snapped back to life, and shouted out,

«I got it! We’re gonna help father!»

Luke raised his eyebrow,

«Father? What about him?»

«We’re gonna search for his happiness. And we’re gonna call it operation racoon.»

Princess Karinne turned around to face them again,

«I’m in. I’m the excellent spy around here. And you’re gonna look far and wide to find anyone as good as me.»

Lost Padawan

Ahsoka leaves…

Zilla… stays.

Anakin; Moving forth to hunt for the treasure…


Zilla had her gaze fixed on the sky surrounding her whole world, as she sat under the one three where Ahsoka had left her moment ago.

She hung her head in agony, turning her gaze down.

It was a sunny day though, but Zilla didn’t feel up to it. She should had rejoiced, maybe, in this fine weather of Summer-land, but she couldn’t.

She felt empty, alone and worst of all; She felt betrayed. Worst of all; By her own sister.

Did Ahsoka really mean it? She didn’t think so.

Maybe her mind was occupied. By fear. Of what the king might do to her. But Anakin was good now. Wasn’t he? And had he ever been bad at all?

As the thoughts ran through her mind, she heard some voices in the distances.

«We ar not going through the dark forest. It’s too dangerous.»

«But how else are we to find Amanda?»

Then she saw who it belong too. Hagar and Isha, as they neared the three where she sat pondering, stopping in front off her.

«Where you been, dearie?»

Zilla looked at them for a moment, before she turned her gaze down,

«I’ve been with the King… and then I ran away.»

«Maybe you shall go back to him then?»

«My sister betrayed and left me, I’m not going anywhere untill she comes back.»

«Stubborness.» Isha pointed out, «You are stubborn to just sit there. Like waiting for a miracle.»

«But she is coming back. Isn’t she?»

Isha slowly shaked her head,

«You have your friends right in front off ye. We’re all that you need.»

Hagar grabbed her arm and pulled her to her feet,

«Come and be a pirate together with us! We have also lost someone, u’know.»

Fallen Apprentice

After walking through the forest, most of the day, seeing it turn to evening night, Zilla came upon a barely conscious body, laying asleep under a three, completely exausted.

She bent down by the figure, and it was;

«Ahsoka?» she gripped her arm, as pure joy ran through her heart, «Ahsoka! Oh, finally I found you!» She went to sit down by her side, «Oh, how glad I am. I just can’t wait untill you wake up!» and as she sat there, she slowly drifted up to sleep.

But when she woke up in the morning next day, she looked around her, to see that her twin-sister was gone.

«Ahsoka…?» she rubbed her eyes, as feelings of sadness came through, «Ahsoka!» and to dissapointed to stand up, she started to cry, «Sister? Why did you leave when I just found you? Why?» and she hung her head, wrapped her arms around her knees, and just sat there, as tears streamed down her face.

«But I didn’t leave, dearie.» she heard a voice say from behind. Zilla slowly raised her head to see a dark hooded figure standing under one off the threes beneath, looking at her, with her arms over her chest.
And then she turned the hood down.

Zilla looked in amazement at her,

«Ahsoka!» starting to arise, «I…»

«No. No need to get up. I simply went to get us some breakfast, and if you are hungry, you can share a meal with me.»

«Sister.» Zilla went up to her feet anyways, before hurrying towards her. Throwing her arms around her with tears in her eyes, «We’re finally reunited at last! Aren’t you glad about it too?»

Ahsoka sighed, before freeing herself from the hug,

«Yes, I’m glad, dearie. But unlike you, I have learned to controll my feelings.»

«Just wait untill Anakin sees you.» Zilla burst out with, «He will be so glad too, and everything will be like it was. Just like before.»

But Ahsoka shaked her head,

«I’m not going back to him…»

«What?» Zilla’s look grew serious, «But… you’re his padawan! You have to come back!»

Ahsoka turned around. Not facing her, she said,

«No.» and with one hand, making itself up to the point between the two horns on her head, she plucked her padawan-braid off, and turned to face Zilla again, «At least not now. After everything I’ve been through, I can’t… I won’t…» she lifted her braid towards her, «Will you hold on to this for me?»

Zilla looked shocked at her,

«But… But you just came back! The King would want to see you!»

Ahsoka dropped the braid into Zilla’s palm,

«He must not know that I’m here. So… I suggest you return to where you came from, and let me follow my own path. Please.»

«But… why? Why are you doing this, sis? And why do you think that I would ever abandon you?»

«Anakin is a powersick manipulator. And I need to protect myself, I need to protect my heart. I don’t wanna end up as him.»

Zilla put her hand on her shoulder,

«But he has changed, dear. Evolved, as he calls it.»

Ahsoka shaked her head,

«He’s just toying with you, sis. I don’t think he has.»

«But can’t you just give him one, last chance?» lifting the padawan-braid towards her, «We’ll be Padawans together, and he’ll train us both.»

«Oh, please go back, dear. I don’t wanna meet him, and if you follow me, he might send out someone to search for you, and then they might find me too, and we can’t risk that.»

Zilla turned her gaze down,

«Wherever you go, I’ll always be at your side.»

«No! Just go back!» Ahsoka shouted, «Go back to Anakin!»

‘Twas the day before easter…

’Twas the day before easter. And the day before that… and the day before that.

People witnessed history unfold as a crucifiction took place.

Some fled in terror as the ground shook, and a great «rip» happened to take place.

It was the night before the resurection. And the night before that. And before that. It was a time of sadness, but also of cleansing.


Hagar and Isha had found a little park in they search after Amanda, after she had just vanished.

They saw a lonely boy, sitting on one of the swings.

«Go and cheer him up, Sister.» Hagar pointed out to Isha, «He might seem lonely.»

Isha stretched her body,

«Wery well. walking over to him with confidence, «Sitting on the charger, boy?»

He looked up,


«Wanna charge yourself up before u fly, eh?»

«Exuse me?»

«Just make sure you dosen’t fall into an trash-can when you jump off. Maybe I’ll show you how it’s done, eh?» stepping up on the other swing.



Ahsoka looked around herself. Finding herself standing deep inside a mountain, after Clark had given her a ride over the mountain and flown off again. Was she really in Hasar-Adar again?

She didn’t recognize it.

«This isn’t Hasar-Adar…» she mumbled to herself, «It can’t be…» she looked into the sky, shouting, «This isn’t Hasar-Adar! Come back! Please…»



Zilla happened to have a puzled look on her face, as she looked down at the necklace hanging around her neck.

«My amulet… it’s glowing…» she looked up on the King who sat on his horse, waiting for the King David and his people to arrive into the forest where they had set up their camp, «Master!» she tried.

«Not now, apprentice…» Anakin answeared, not even looking at her, «We have important bussiness to attend to. Areas of land to discuss.»

«Don’t you wanna know what I have to say?»

«Later. Maybe.» looking straight forward into the distance, where he saw a crowd approching.

«My amulet…» she sighed, «My sister… she must be close!» And then she started running, «Ahsoka!»

King Anakin looked weirdly after her when he saw her disappear,

«I wonder what has gotten into her…» but just then, King David arrived, also sitting on a magnificent horse, with his people around him,

«Hail King David!» they all shouted in unison.

And the soldiers which Anakin had hired from winter-land, all gave a similar shout, but with less entusiasm,

«O hail King Anakin…»



Zilla ran and ran and ran untill she was almost out of breath, and stumbled over a rock before she fell to the ground,

«Ahsoka…» she mumbled to herself, catching her breath, «My amulet says you’re back, and that’s wonderful. If you only would say where in Hasar-Adar you might be, I would find you faster.» she closed her eyes, «But I will follow my amulet untill I find you. I just hope that you wanna be found.»



«I said that I wasen’t interested in ya!» Ahsoka yelled at the former sith sitting beside her.

Being back, she had walked untill she found some kind of a forest-bar and now she sat there, slaking her tirst.

«Then why are you in a bar, lady Tano?» Maul asked, laughing.

«I didn’t know it was a bar.» she responded, «But I’m gonna leave now.»

«Ah… then I might follow you out!» he grinned.

Ahsoka shock her head,

«I don’t think so.» she lifted up his drink, before she poured it over his head, «Goodbye. Loser.» and then she walked out, into the forest.»

Choose to be free.

«You have changed. Yes?» Zilla asked The King, who stood before her, in all his greatness.

«No, I have evolved.» he proclaimed, laying his arm around Padme.


«Yes. I’m a father now. And I finally see things more clearly.» smiling down at his children, Luke and Leia.

«Oh… So that’s what happens when you become a parent?»

«Secrecy, darling. I wouldn’t ruin a surprise for ya, would I?»



Amanda sat sobbing in the darkened place, where she was locked up, in a chamber, in the dark palace of the underground kingdom of the evil Queen, Ventress.

Miss Ventress was studying her dagger which she held in her hands.

She was enjoing the sight of it. And let her fingers run across the ingravement of her name, which was written upon the blade.

Amanda had a similar thing too, but that was an axe, which had Amanda’s name upon the sharp blade of the axe.

Together, the two of them could be unstoppable, if they joined each other: Like two darkened souls of evil, with their encanted tools, that only belonged to them.

But Amanda didn’t want to be dark any more. She wanted to be good, which was why she had ran away from this world. But now… now that she was back, her torment had become even worse than before.

Queen Ventress turned a wicked grin at her,

«How unfortunate that you wouldn’t see the light of day, Amanda.» chuckling, «Never again will you experience the joy of freedom.»

Amanda slowly raised her gaze upon her,

«I’m done serving you!» she cried, before lowering her gaze upon her axe who layed at her feet, «This tool has no power over me! And neither has you!»

«How well spoken of you!» The Queen proclaimed, «You’re awfully right.» stepping closer to her, «I know that the one who can free you, is your self, but clearly you’re all to weak to do that, which is why you will always be in prison.»




«I need to get back to Hasar-Adar.» Ahsoka told the guy in the suit.

«Hasar-Adar?» he repeated, «But why didn’t you say so? It’s right on the other side of the mountain!»

«You think you could get me there?»

«I could always try, dearie.»


Walking here

Thou est little girl of Zion: How’d you do, how’s your spirit, how’s your joy?


When the handcuffs where locked in its place, around her handwrist, she felt so lost, so, so…

«Oh, my precious Amanda.» she heard a familiar voice say, «How I missed you, dearie.»

Amanda looked up to see the queen of darkness standing before her in the darkened cell, barerly lit with light,

«You know you can’t enter this world whitout me knowing it. Hahaha.»

Amanda frowned at her,

«I’m no longer your object! You can no longer use me!» she protested, only to get a frightening laugh in reply, that would cause any bird to fly away,

«Oh, precious dear,» her laugh echoed through the walls as she laid her long fingers around her chin, «You couldn’t be more wrong.»



Ahsoka gasped as she woke up. Opening her eyes wide before she looked around her.

Was she dead? It didn’t feel so.

«No need to thank me.» she heard from behind, and turned toward the voice, «It just happened to be flying past, and saw you falling from that hill. So I did what I always does; rescuing people.»

Ahsoka rose up, looking questingly at the guy dressed in a blue and red suit, with a red cape flying behind him, lifted by the wind,

«Who are you?»

The man gave her a weird look,

«You don’t know? Why? I’m superman of course.»



Zilla sank down to her knees in the forest. And it looked like she embraced the ground where the royal family where having a hike in the beatiful weather, as they entered summerland,

«Oh thou finest mud! How’d I’d missed ya! My very best friend!»

Anakin bent down beside her, with a worried look on his face as he laid his hand on her shoulder,

«Is everything allright, Zilla?»

The apprentice gripped hold of his long tunic,

«Oh your majesty!» she said in a dramatic tone, «How unfortunate that I should ruin your garment with my muddy hands!»

Anakin frowned before he sighed and shaked his head. But then he said,

«A little mud dosen’t hurt me, Zilla. The children play in it all the times.» looking at the royal twins Luke and Leia who stood close together, holding each others hands. And he slowly smiled.

«And they dosen’t have a care in the world.» The queen added, also smiling.

But all of a sudden, a forest kid came running in the direction where Zilla was having a reunion with the ground. He stopped in front of her, and as she looked up, he kicked his boot in her face,

«Get out of the way, silly!» he yelled, «I’m walking here!»

Zilla silently clutched her fists tight, untill they became almost white, and she bited her teeth together, slowly raising up,

«You got a problem, boy?»
