Is it a wedding? Or it is a joke?

Twelve year old Amanda stood in the entrance of the dark palace, when princess Karinne came in, followed by prince Luke and princess Leia, who still had the racoon with them.

She was dressed up in the most glorious wedding dress. With white roses in her hands. But her face looked anguished, and where painted with grief. As if she had just been crying in sorrow. Pouring out her heart, alone. With fear. And anxiety.

She now stood there, looking straight in front of here as the royal’s came in. And her face shoved no feelings at all.

«What’s going on, mother?» princess Karinne asked as she closed the door.

The evil Queen Ventress, came walking up to them from the throne longer inside, and she gently laid her small, long fingers upon Amanda’s shoulders,

«A wedding dearie. Isn’t she beatiful?»

Karinne looked shocked at her,

«Who’s wedding, mother?»

«Yours! I simply needed someone to try your wedding-dress on, and it fits perfect.»

«You mean it isn’t Amanda’s wedding?»

«No.» chuckling, «Of course not.»

Karinne took some steps back,

«Oh, I ain’t getting married, mother. I’m only eight.»

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