Ahsoka leaves…
Zilla… stays.
Anakin; Moving forth to hunt for the treasure…
Zilla had her gaze fixed on the sky surrounding her whole world, as she sat under the one three where Ahsoka had left her moment ago.
She hung her head in agony, turning her gaze down.
It was a sunny day though, but Zilla didn’t feel up to it. She should had rejoiced, maybe, in this fine weather of Summer-land, but she couldn’t.
She felt empty, alone and worst of all; She felt betrayed. Worst of all; By her own sister.
Did Ahsoka really mean it? She didn’t think so.
Maybe her mind was occupied. By fear. Of what the king might do to her. But Anakin was good now. Wasn’t he? And had he ever been bad at all?
As the thoughts ran through her mind, she heard some voices in the distances.
«We ar not going through the dark forest. It’s too dangerous.»
«But how else are we to find Amanda?»
Then she saw who it belong too. Hagar and Isha, as they neared the three where she sat pondering, stopping in front off her.
«Where you been, dearie?»
Zilla looked at them for a moment, before she turned her gaze down,
«I’ve been with the King… and then I ran away.»
«Maybe you shall go back to him then?»
«My sister betrayed and left me, I’m not going anywhere untill she comes back.»
«Stubborness.» Isha pointed out, «You are stubborn to just sit there. Like waiting for a miracle.»
«But she is coming back. Isn’t she?»
Isha slowly shaked her head,
«You have your friends right in front off ye. We’re all that you need.»
Hagar grabbed her arm and pulled her to her feet,
«Come and be a pirate together with us! We have also lost someone, u’know.»