«Some say let it go, but I say hello.»
When thy values every day as a treasure, treats every opportunity as a gift, when thy understand the meaning to life.
When thy can live it like a princess, being kind to everyone thy meet… that is the most wonderous feeling of all.
A pirate came.
He was seeking for his daughter.
And he traveled the realms.
At last he ended up in the kingdom of Hasar-Adar. And in the academy in the autumn-side, were Anakin stayed, with his two padawan’s, he went up to the stage down in the cafeteria and grabbed the mic.
Unfortunately: he happened to be soaked in self-pity and rum when he should deliver his speech. But he didn’t seem to care about that.
«It’s all about honor, folks.» he said in a voice that didn’t sound drunk at all, «And this pirate right here:» pointing to himself, «Owns a lot of it.» but then he collapsed unto the floor, his mates laughing at him.
«Yo-ho!» the pirate replied, saluting with his hand above, «Captain Youthful: Out.» and then he fell asleep. His mates came forward, dragging him off the stage.
Nearby at a table: Zilla sat frustrated, gazing down in a spell-book, her wand resting over her knees.
She was so frustrated because her spell to duplicate Anakin had failed: It hadn’t even worked. And she wanted to find out why.
Just then, Abigail appeared in the other seat at the table,
«It’s because thy wand didn’t want you too.» she said behind gritted teeth, «It’s alive, just as you. And it didn’t want you to cast the spell.»
Zilla looked at her with an impatient look,
«Why didn’t you tell me that in the first time, so that I wouldn’t waste my time?»
«Because I knew that thou wouldn’t listen?»
Zilla turned several pages in the book,
«Maybe there’s some potion I can make, whom I can put in his tea or something…»
Abigail just shaked her head,
«Rule number one: Never use your magic for personal gain. And two: learn you book: read it tvize.»
Zilla smirked,
«Oh, I don’t need rules!» laughing, «I just follow my hearth!»
«Your rebellious little…» she looked towards the door and spotted a glimpse of Anakin and Ahsoka, «Quick! Hide thy wand! Here thy family comes.»
«How pretty!» Zilla replied, trying to sound evil, but she only made a fool of herself, that made Abigail raise her eyebrows at her silliness, «How very pretty indeed!» putting her wand away inside her sleeve.
Anakin and Ahsoka approched her table while Abigail vanished out of sight.
Zilla closed her book and looked up at them,
«So you’re finished with your little stunt of an training-exercise now, I asume?»
«Yup!» they both sat down at the other side of the table.
«Anakin has shown…» Ahsoka stopped herself in the middle of a sentence, as her gaze vandered towards Zilla’s spell-book, «What’s that?»
«Oh…» chuckling, «It’s nothing!» hiding it away under the table.
Anakin furroved his brow,
«You are keeping something from us.» he stated, «Tell us! Now! Family dosen’t keep secrets from one another.»
But Zilla just arose from the table,
«Tell you? After you pushed me away like that?» she turned on a wicked grin, «No!» and then her voice turned cold, «I’ll never tell you anything.» she walked away, with her book tucked close to her chest.
Anakin and Ahsoka shared a shocking glance at one another,
«Clearly something is going on with her.» Anakin said after she was gone, «And whatever that is, I’m gonna find out.»
«Someone or something…» Ahsoka nearly wispered, «Is telling her lies! She’s not the sister she used to be…»
Anakin nodded slowly,
«We’re gonna find that person, and we’re gonna make them pay!» he slammed his fist down in the table, «With the most powerful magic off all: We will suceed!»