The castle

Zilla Tano didn’t know how long they had walked this glorious morning, but suddenly they could see a castle before them in the distance.

Ahsoka pointed at it, exlaiming,

«There it is!» before starting to run towards it.

Zilla also ran, after her,

«Wait…» fixing her gaze at the sight before them, «We have wings. Why don’t we fly? It will go faster.»

Ahsoka seemed uncertain,

«I don’t know…»

«Well I know.» she closed her eyes, focused on the little breeze around them, and soon she was in the sky, flying past her sister.

«Hey, how you do that?»

«You just have to let everything go. Come on.»

«I don’t know how… you seemed more train in this than me. You ever had wings before?»

«Of course I don’t. But come on, let’s fly together.»

«I can’t.» running along on the ground, «You go on, it seem easy enough for you, but I have no experience with wings yet.»

«So sad.» flying ahead, towards the castle,

«No, its not.» drawing her breath.

«Well, see you.» dissappering unto the horizon

«Hey, that’s not fair…»

Zilla flew towards the wonderful building ahead, before she at last sat her feet at solid ground, looking back towards her sister who where nowhere to be seen.

She shrugged her shoulders before she went to the frontdoor and knocked.

«Hello?» it was a moments silence, before a deep voice spoke,

«Who’s there?»

Zilla looked up towards the high door, replying

«Just a friendly guest. Do you host those?»

The answer came quick,

«Come in, my friend.» before the door slowly opened with a crack.

Ahsoka landed on the ground next to her, and Zilla smiled,

«Looks like you made it.»

Ahsoka punced her in the side,

«It wasen’t easy. And I didn’t like that you just flew away. We could had lost each other!»

«Well, that didn’t happen.»

«No. But it could.» puching her back in irritation.»

Zilla put her hand on her shoulder,

«No reason to get upset about it. I think you did great.»

Ahsoka looked away,

«Well… yeah… thanks…»

A man made hus way up to them from the main entrance of the gate that led to the courtyard off the castle.

«Hi you two. At your service.» showing off a humble bow.

The twins looked at him, amazed,

«Are you…» they studied his clothes, his crown and the sword at his side, «Are you royal?»

The young man smiled to them,

«I’m King David. Welcome. Who ever you are. This way.» turning away and walking to one of the doors inside the yard.

Zilla and Ahsoka followed him, a little hesitant,

«You’re really a king?»

David nodded,

«Yes and I’m just happy to have guests.»

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