Ventress and Zilla – Short tale

Realm created by a storm

«That was totally scary!» Zilla admitted to herself after running all the way to where she had her little tent under the bridge. Made of a scattered canvas from a ship.

«I’ll never…» gazing to the lake beneath her, «I’ll never do that again.»

It was then she heard the familliar voice of Ventress, coming towards her,

«Out here talking to your self, Apprentice?»

Zilla rose up from where she was sitting,

«Uh.. oh… what are you doing here?»

«Just wanna check on you, friend. How are you doing? Did it work? The lightsaber? Did he get his memories back?»

«I don’t know… but… it was all just totally scary…»

«I guess it worked then.» Ventress smiled, «because if it hadn’t, nothing would have happened.»

Zilla sighed,

«What are you really doing here?» she repeated, «I don’t want to talk to you.»

But Ventress just smiled, as she turned, and saw Lars heading towards them,

«There he comes!» she said in an ugly tone, «Ta-ta, for now.» and she hurried away.

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