«Want some tea, dearie?» Padme asked the Padawan in despair, who sat with her head down, and her hands resting in her lap,
«I…» looking slowly up, «I shouldn’t be here… I really shouldn’t… It… it was wrong of me to come… I’m just in the wrong place…»
«Where else should you be if not here with me?» setting the jug down on the table, gripping her shoulders, «You are exactly where you are needed to be.»
«You really think so?» blinking, «After what I’ve tried to do… I don’t deserve your kindness.»
«Everyone makes mistakes, Zilla.» pouring water into her cup, «But what really matters afterwards, is that you regret it when you realize you done wrong.»
«I…» drawing a shuttered breath.
«Now tell me everything you know about Anakins whereabouts, and we might find him together.»
«I… can’t… I’m sorry.» having a saddened look, «You won’t even believe me.»
«What makes you think that? Tell me, he’s my husband, and I should really like to know where he is. If he’s in trouble or something.»
Zilla stared down at her hands, and could almost not bear herself. She had a heavy weight resting on her shoulders, and she wanted it to go away,
«He’s… He’s…» but there her voice stopped, and she couldn’t say a word more.
Padme looked shocked at her,
«Zilla… what did you do?»
Suddenly the window broke, and pieces of glass scattered everywhere. Amanda came leaping into the room, with the book from Dathomir in her hands, she opened it in front of Padme, and said two words,
«Mazel Tov!» and great light erubted from the pages of the open book, sucking Padme into it. And she vanishes into the book, who worked as a portal to the holy world of Secrecy.
Amanda then closed the book, putting it back inside her tunic, before looking at Zilla with a blood-thirst in her eyes. She gripped her axe, and howled it at her. Growling.
Zilla hurriedly backed away, as shock and fear came across her face,
«What did you do?»
«Grrr.» moving towards her.
«I thought you said that you burned the book, but you had it all allong?»
«I’m the pet of Ventress. That’s what I do.» reaching her axe and taking it up.»
«But I’m her pet too.» Zilla tried, «You don’t have to attack me.»
Amanda snarled, taking up a rock.
«She can only have one pet! And that’s me!»