Not Ahsoka

Hagar, Isha and Amanda leapt through that open portal and rolling down that grassy field in Hasar-Adar. Leaving Hondo behind with Abid in the real world.

Hagar was ontop on Isha, grabbing her by the throat, punching her in the face,

«So you think you’re a princess, huh?»

«Yes! And so are you.»

«Nonsense!» putting up a knife, «We have always been pirates!»

Amanda stood with her axe in her hand, watching them, crying out,

«Stop it! Stop acting like villains! Sisters is supposed to support each other!»

Hagar turned her gaze at her, tears in her eyes,

«Stay out of this, you…»


Zilla stood on the castles balcony, looking out into the night, sighing.

King Anakin walked in on her, placing his hand on her shoulder,

«Something you want to tell me, Snips?»

«No, master.» not even looking at him.

Anakin took place by her side, also looking into the night,

«Ahsoka…» sighing, «Lately you have been acting so…»

Zilla turned her gaze at him,

«Acting so what?»

«You… I can tell you have not been yourself since you came back. Is anything bothering you.»

Zilla sighed heavily, before turning away from him with a burdened heart,


«You can tell me everything, you know.»

«Yes… I.» she tried to look at him again, but couldn’t realy look him in the eyes, «I’m not sure that I can… I’m sorry.»

«Tell me, padawan.»

But Zilla walked back inside again. She turned and gazed back at him,

«You wouldn’t like to hear it…»

«But you have to get it off your chest! Now tell me and let us move on!»

Zilla looked down at the floor,

«I’m not who you think I am… I’m not Ahsoka.»


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