Zilla and the curse: Second

Realm of forgotten memories

Zilla had been working at the diner for quite some days now, but she hadn’t seen anything to Ventress or the lightsaber she had been promised.

But as she was washing of tables and cleaning up in the area of the guests, she saw Lars and Ahsla, coming through the door, and making it to a table.

They sat down, taking up the menu.

Zilla watched them carefully as she was doing her job, making sure they didn’t know they was being watched.

But when they laid the menu down on the table again, she made it over to them with a block and a pen.

«Hi. Can I take your order, please?»

Lars looked up at her, and frowned.

«You again?» he crossed his arms over his chest, «Haven’t you anything better to do than to barge into people’s lives?»

«Lars!» Ahsla interrubted him, «You are being rude on purpose!»

«Maybe.» Lars said, «But she got to hear it.»

«No!» Zilla shaked her head in frustration, «I don’t know what your problem is, but I am just trying to be nice. And are you gonna order or not?»

Lars sighed,

«Two burger’s, please.»

«Noted.» writing it down, «Coming right up.» and then she strode back to the kitchen, «Two burger’s for table nine.» she said to the cheff who nodded.

She hung up the page from the block, and went to cut some vegetables, untill she heard:

«Servings to go! Servings to go!»

And she went back around to where the cheff stood, spotting two plates of food. She took them,

«Thank you.» and went back to the the table where Lars and Ahsla sat, chatting with each other, «Here you go.»

But Lars looked back at her with narrowed eyes,

«I hope you are enjoying your day!» he said sarcastically, «I didn’t know that you were working here now.»

Zilla looked back at him,

«But I do.» stepping back, «But you should be careful of what you say to a waitress!» she said, with head held up high, «Because maybe you find your food extra hot now!»


«Enjoy! And bye, bye.» she left them, going back to work in the kitchen.

Some time went, and she saw them leave again, and she cleaned of their table.

At the end of the day, she saw Ventress coming through the door. The woman stopped in the middle of the area, looking around her.

«She must be looking for me.» Zilla thought, and made it over to her.

Ventress smiled when she saw her,

«Job done, carry on. Here’s the lightsaber.»

Zilla mumbled a thank you before hiding it under her sleeve.

«You can go home now.» the Mayor continued, «Or if you have any home?»

«Of course I do.» Zilla insisted, «Under the toll-bridge by the train-station.»

«Okay… I guess you’re finished with your day?»

«Yes. Just some cleaning left to do, but then I’m done.»

«Adieus, Zilla.» Ventress said, «Untill we meet again.»

Zilla walked back to the kitchen, doing some final touches before she went to change and make it home. But she was going to check on Lars and Ahsla on the way, to give Lars the lightsaber so that he could become Anakin again.

And when she finaly left the workplace, it was dark outside, and freezing cold.

Zilla hurried away untill she came to their house.

 «This is it.» she thought, before taking the lightsaber in her hand, «Time to get your memory back, Skyguy!»

She hurried towards their door, trying to ignore the cold, and she rang the bell.

The bell produced a sweet sound, which came from inside, before the door swung open.

Zilla looked up to see Lars standing there,

«What do you want?» he barked.

«I just came to give you something…» Zilla answered in an uncertain tone, holding out the lightsaber towards him, «It’s yours. And it will help you remember.»

«Remember what?» he snapped, before taking it from her, «What, Zilla? What?»

Zilla studied his eyes for a moment, but it was no change in them.

«I…» she slowly began, stepping back, «I don’t understand…» as sorrow came up in her face, «It was supposed to work…» sighing, «You should have your memory back by now.»

«I have no idea what you’re talking about.»

«Ventress…» Zilla mumbled, «Ventress…. she tricked me…»

«What have The Mayor to do with you all this?»

«I’m sorry… I’m sorry, Anakin…»

«That’s not my name, kid.»

Ahsla came up by his side in the door,

«What’s going on?» her eyes spotted Zilla, «Sister!»

«She was just leaving.» Lars said, stepping forward, «I warn you to not come here again!»

«But… Anakin… please… You got to remember… you got to…»

«That’s far enough!» he held up the lightsaber she had given him, «This:» pushing her backwards, «This is just some piece of shit!»

«It is your life!» Zilla yelled, looking right into his eyes, did she see something?

«Stop!» Ahsla shouted from where she stood, before walking down to them, «Sister…» eyeing Zilla, «Sister, stop. Please…»

«What?» tears welled up in her eyes.

Ahsla shaked her head,

«This isn’t going anywhere. Just… just leave us alone…please…»

Lars nodded slowly in agreement,

«Yeah! And take this with you!» forcing the lightsaber back into her hand, «Now be on your way.» he turned around, leaving Zilla standing there, «Come along, Ahsla.» he said.

Ahsla sighed, looking at Zilla one last time, before following her brother. But halfway back towards the door, Lars dropped to his knees, his eyes going inside his skull, showing all white.

«Lars!» Ahsla screamed, before glancing back at Zilla, «What did you do to him?»

Zilla took a few steps back, terrified, before she turned and ran away.

«Zilla!» Ahsla yelled after her, «I promise you! You will pay for this!» she then looked back to her brother, Lars, «Look at me, brother, please!» grabbing his shoulders, «Look at me!»

Lars breathed out slowly. Some moments went, and then his eyes turned to a normal state again.

But they had a different sparks to them now, and the way he looked at her, were strange.

«Are you okay, brother?» she asked.

Lars tilted his head before he frowned,


Ahsla wrinkled her brow,




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