
They stared at one another. As one Apprentice, to another.

«Okay.» Amanda finaly said, I’ll help you, on one condition.» lowering her axe.

«And what’s that?» Zilla wondered.

«Let me… look arround…» sighing, «I’ve heard of that place; Dhathomir, I wanna see it.»

«Okay.» holding out her hands, «We’ll show you. But then you give us the book, right?»

«Yeah. But only if you keep the deal.»

«Deal! Come on, let’s tell it to my master.»

«No!» Amanda shouted, «He’s not coming along on this journey. I don’t trust him.»


«It has to be only between you and me, or I’ll gonna burn the book, and you never get it.»


Meanwhile in Secrecy:

«Anakin didn’t open a portal, Ahsoka.» Ventress mockingly laughed at her, «It was there all along. But it’s light only became brighter when he sent your sister through, before it dissappeared.»

Ahsoka stared shockingly in front of her,

«That’s why I saw it…»

«Yes.» chuckling evily, «How unfortunate that I can not help you.»

Ahsoka fixed her gaze at her,

«I believe you can. Is there any other portal left that I can go through?»

«No. And unless someone come in from our world, it wont come any.»

Just as she had said that, a bright light emerged out of nowhere, releasing out a human being, who rolled out to the floor, before laying still, eyes closed.

Ventress and Ahsoka studied her,

«Senator Amidala!» The Padawan shouted.

Ventress looked at the remaining portal,

«I think you can use this one, to get back to your sister, but I can’t guarantee it will be safe.»

«I’ll take my luck.»

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