
The main Realm

The two children: Kylo and Karinne, stared surprised at the woman who claimed she was Mother Gothel.

And Karinne folded her arms over her chest,

«You don’t scare us, dear.»

And Kylo agreed,

«No. Because we are tough.»

«Actually, we think you are quite cool.» Karinne added on, «Can we have your autograph?»

Mother Gothel gave them a shocked expression,

«What? You’re not afraid?»

Karinne shaked her head,

«No, why should we be?» walking closer to her, «There’s only one of you, and two of us.»

«Yeah!» Kylo barked, «You’re our prisoner!»

Mother Gothel gave them a weird look,

«You seem to forget that you’re only kids, and that I’m an adult.»

«Wrong. We’re quite grown up ourself’s. Raised by the most remarkable villains.»

«Why don’t you join me then?» Gothel asked, «And we can…»

But Kylo held up a sword towards her,

«We don’t join the likes of you, because we are good people!»

«Yeah!» Karinne agreed, «We don’t follow in our parent’s footsteps.»

Gothel stared back at them,

«Suit yourself’s then.» she said in a villainous tone, «But remember, you will regret it!» and she disappeared in front of their eyes.

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