«Blessed art thou, Lord our God, King of the universe, who layeth forth the way to walk.»
Hagar looked upon her sister Isha who had her gaze raise towards the sky. She herself, put her eyes on the ground, saying,
«Barukh ata Adonai Eloheinu, melekh ha’olam… Shalom.»
The two sisters where on they way to Padme’s appartment, to look for Anakin, carrying little Abid on five with them.
When they got there, they found that the door was open, so they just went straight in. Noticing that the whole place was a mess, amd finding Zilla, and the new girl Amanda, in an intense fight with each other. Rolling arround on the floor. Punching and hitting each other.
«Happy new year to you two.» Hagar began saying to them, as she, Isha and Abid went to stand next to their battle, «Is this how you want to start the new year? With a fight?»
But none of the girls responded to them. Zilla only roared to Amanda,
«Just give me the book!»
Hagar and Isha sighed, before Isha proclaimed,
«I do love a good fight, though.» throwing herself upon them to join in on the fighting, «En-garde!»
But instantly, whitout warning, a Jedi-master stood in the doorway, wathing the event unfold before stepping in,
«I knew I sensed a disturbance in the force and that it was coming from here. What is really going on?»
Hagar turned, looking at him,
He raised an eyebrow at her,
«Why do you split up my name like that?»
Isha decided to leave the fighting, as Zilla and Amanda continued, and she raised up when she heard who was there, and walked over to him, with easy steps, gripping his tunic,
«Obi-Kenobi-Wan!» greeting him with a kiss. Hagar pushed her away from him,
«Stop it Isha! You don’t have to flirt with every man you meet!»
Obi-Wan stepped closer to the fight that were going on, before he took out an blaster from his belt, and shot three times into the roof to get them from hurting each other.
Zilla and Amanda looked terrified at him. They haven’t even realiced that he was there.
He grabbed hold of Zillas arm,
«Get up! Now! Give me a reason to not report you to the council!»
Zilla was trying to catch her breath, as she let her gaze sweep over Hagar, Isha and little Abid. Before letting it fall to the master’s feet,
«I’m sorry, Sir.»
«Look at me!»
«Sir.» turning her eyes at him, «I was just trying to get my book back, and…»
«Fighting with a twelve year’old, is not what I expect of you.»
Zilla looked over the room, before she gasped, breaking free from his grip,
«Amanda! She’s gone!»