
Skywalker were holding Tanos hand in his own two. The glowed, mechanical one, laying gently on top of hers.

The Padawan only looked down while he was speaking with The Doctor. She had lost a discussion with him, and there were no point to argue any further. She didn’t want to upset him any more. But at least, he didn’t seem upset now. Only worried. Worried for her. And Ahsoka understood why he was. After her twin-sister had been pretending to be her, attacking the whole city, Skywalker had all the reason to be worried. He didn’t know she had a sister, and neither did she, until lately. But that didn’t change the fact that Skywalker believed the sister was her.

«Any suggestions, Doctor?» he asked.

«I can’t find anything wrong with her, but after what you explained, I suppose she has some sort of mental breakdown.»

«Is it bad?»

«Well… I will recommend that she gets a lot of rest. No more training-sessions or war-activity for her for a while.»

«And for how long?»

«A month at least.»

«That’s a very long time for a Jedi.»

«Yeah. But you have to be patience on this, Skywalker. And you to, Tano.»

Ahsoka just sat there silent with tears in her eyes. If it wasen’t for her sister, she wouldn’t had to sit here, having this conversation right now. Or for the most part, listening to a conversation, wich was what she did.

Skywalker looked at her,

«You sure you don’t remember anything, Snips?» He asked, one final time.

She raised her gaze, looking back at her Master, confused,

«I’ve already told you, but you wont listen to me. If only you…»

He broke her off, «That’s enough.» before looking back at the doctor again who gave him a datapad with instructions,

«There’ll be no leaving the temple.» he stated, «Make sure she follows this rules, and keep constant watch over her.»

«But the temple is not a prison. I can’t keep her here against her will. I can’t do that to her.»

«A month is all I ask for, Skywalker. If she is to get any better, she needs completely rest. She needs stability.»

«I’m not that bad.» Ahsoka protested, finaly raising up, «I just can’t understand why you can’t believe me when I said I didn’t do any of those things in the security-video. It was my sister.»

«Shut up, Snips.» Anakin scowled, also raising up, nodding at the doctor, «We’re gonna do as you say, Sir.»

«Good. And then I will see you after a month. And want your full report.»

«Allright. Bye, bye, then.»

«Goodbye Skywalker. And may you recover well, Padawan Tano.»

Ahsoka answered by just rolling her eyes as Skywalker led her out the door with a hand on her back,

«I’m not sick.» she snorted as the door closed behind them.

Skywalker itched his back,

«Clearly someone did something to you, Snips. A spell or something… wich is why you don’t remember… If the Sith eyes should appear again, and you loose your senses…

«No.» she shouted, « I’m perfectly fine Master. Stop talking like that. If only you knew the truth like I do…»

«I only wants what’s best for you, Snips.» he said as they walked down the corridor.

«Well. I wants what’s best for me to. But sometimes I know it best my self.»

«Not always, my Padawan. Wich is why I’m here for you.»

Ahsoka rolled her eyes again,

«I’m gonna find Barris.»

«Good idea. She’s in the garden, by the way.»

She didn’t answer him, as she hurried away from him to the nearest exist that led out to the garden.

Finaly outside, she found her friend sitting under a tree, reading a book.»

«Barris.» she greeted her.

The Mirialan looked up from her reading, a smile on her face,

«Ahsoka. Come, sit down.»

Tano did as she suggested, sitting down next to her by the tree.

Barris expression grew serious as she studied her,

«I heard what happened. People are talking, Ahsoka. A lot.»

«I can’t understand why everyone blame me… I didn’t do anything…»

«Maybe that is why they are talking.»

«So you believe me?»

«Why shouldn’t I? I’m your friend, Ahsoka. I’m always here for you.»

The words put a little smile on Tanos face,

«Thanks. I wanna be there for you to, Barris.» She stared out over the garden, and saw Skywalker and Kenobi coming out of the backdoor. Skywalker walking with confident with his arms over his chest, as he was discussing something with his old Master.

«When I find my sister again.» Ahsoka continued, «I’m gonna confront her for what she did.»

Barris drew her breath,

«Why don’t you just let it go? It’s not like it is your problem.»

Ahsoka nodded,

«You’re right. She’s the one who has the problem. Not me.»

«You have to forgive her, my friend. Revenge is not the Jedi way.»

Ahsoka grew silent, staring in front of her.

«Just don’t let her actions poison your mind.» Barris continued, «You can’t do anything to it, you can’t save her. Just let it go.»

Ahsoka nodded silently as a tear streamed down her cheek,

«You’re right, Barris. You’re right.» she looked up to see Obi-Wan and Anakin standing there in front of them,

«Hi, girls.» Anakin said with his confident smile, «Obi-Wan and me have been talking, and have decided to make a talkshow. Just for you, Snips. What’d you say to that.»

Ahsoka got up, on her feet, along with Barris,

«I think that’ll be great. Thank’s Master.»

«You’re most welcome.» he gently answered.

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