Zilla or Ahsoka

The shadow opened the door for her, and she saw a great flower-field.

«Now run!» it told her, «Run as fast as you can and don’t ever look back.» giving her a push through the door, «And when you reach the end off the cliff, you jump!»

«Jump unto what?» Ahsoka asked, confused.

«Run!» the shadow of Anakin shouted, «No questions! Just run! It will get you out of here. Run! Before it is to late. Before you get doomed to this place forever.»

Ahsoka started running, hearing the shadow shouting after her,

«And don’t look back!»



Zilla slowly approched the throne, seeing him sitting there.

King Anakin, with his little daughter Leia on his lap. The five year old little princess.

It was early in the morning. Anakin was telling his daughter a tale, while Zilla stopped in front off them, ready to reveal her pressence.

They haven’t even spotted her yet, or had they?

Zilla chose to speak up, saying the first thing that came to her mind,

«Its an extraordinary daughter you have there, your majesty.» doing a little bow before she stood upright on her feet.

But the king didn’t lift his gaze towards her, immediately,

«It seems we have a customer.» he said to Leia, «What do you say to go and play with Luke?»

«All he care about is his…»

«Or would you rather stay here and watch?»

«I don’t know. Maybe I go and wake him up…» looking towards the stranger beneath them, «If we got a customer, he don’t wanna miss it.» and so she went down from his lap and ran away.

Finaly the king raised his gaze towards Zilla. But he couldn’t see who she was, because she had her hood over her head, which covered the most of her face.

«Why hast thou cometh before thy king today?»

Anakin formally began.

Zilla throwed her hood back and raised her head to look upon him. A person different from the one she remembered. Or was he different? Or was it only a camouflage he covered himself with, whenever he sat on his throne?

But as they eyes met, the kings eyes widened, and he stood up on his feet, slowly,

«A-Ahsoka?» shocked, as if he had seen a ghost, he began walking down the stairs towards her, «Is that really you?

Zilla bit her tongue, feeling uncertain. Uncomfortable, with no idea of what to say.

The best thing was to be honest, even if… she so much didn’t want to hurt his feelings,

«No…» she let out, «No, sir… your majesty I mean.»

But Anakin gently grabbed her forearms as he reached her, as if handling a porcelain-doll that could easily break,

«Ahsoka…» he slowly embraced her before looking her in the eyes, «Ahsoka…» he repeated, «I…»

«Sir, no, sir…» Zilla tried, but she got interubted.

«Ahsoka.» he smiled. A warm smile that lightened up his whole face, «Words cannot describe how glad I am to see you again. After all those years, and you haven’t aged one bit.»

«It has only been three weeks, sir.» Zilla answeared, «But I must say that you look older.»

The King chuckled,

«The time is different in this world, Snips.»

Zilla immediately turned her gaze down, as she took some steps back from him. He had just called her Snips, which where the nickname he only used on Ahsoka. She laid her hand over her heart, breathing heavily. He would never call her that if he knew who she was. She felt his hand, softly touch her shoulder,

«What’s the matter, apprentice?» he wondered, «Care to join us for breakfast?»

To play someone else

He haven’t been able too save his mother. Nor could he save his padawan, Ahsoka Tano.

He had been too late for them both, and it haunted him every night.

Not even his wife or his children could fill the hole in his heart that the loss of them caused. No one could. Which was why he had to figure out a way to get them back.

As he laid there in the royal bed, wondering, and couldn’t sleep, he stood up to leave the room, in silence.

He took one glance at Padme who laid there, sleeping as an angel before he went out the door.


Zilla ran through the forest of winter-land untill she reached the castle.

Anakins castle.

She put the hood over her head, ready too be Ahsoka.

She took a deep breath as she walked to the front door, her heart beating worringly.

She really shouldn’t do this, but she had to, too spare her life.

Ventress wouldn’t get too her, as long as she was with Anakin.

As long he believed she was Ahsoka, everything would be fine, and she wouldn’t die.

What would Ahsoka do if she was her right now? Would she knock on the door? Or would she just barge into the palace like she owned the place?

Zilla chose the first option, and knocked, but no one came too open, so she tried the handle, and it went down. The door was open.

Zilla perked hear head inside, and saw a vonderous corridor, with crystall crown-light under the roof, guards on everyside off the wall.

And on the bottom of the corridor, she shaw a throne, where some steps led up to it.

Zilla walked inside and closed the door beside her. Then she stood there for a moment, watching the guards as they all looked at her.

She closed her eyes, trying to wipe her fear away. She was Ahsoka now, and she had too be convincing, her life depended on it.

It shouldn’t be so difficult though, since she was her twin. But Anakin was smart though, if he could tell them appart before, he sure could…

No… Zilla couldn’t let herself have such thought, of what could go wrong. She simply had to play her role.

Ventress had told her everything she needed to know. Every detail of when Anakin had last seen Ahsoka, and off their last conversation together, so it should go fine… she only hoped.

And for Anakin, it had been years since he saw his padawan last time, so maybe he wouldn’t remember the difference between them.


Amanda stood by the altar feeling bad about herself. She had betrayed her best friend, Zilla, letting Maul come along with her through the portal.

It haven’t occured to her that she only could had removed the book from the altar – getting the portal to vanish – hindering Maul from exit it.

But no… she hadn’t thought of that at the time… She had only thrown her axe at him, which of course hadn’t stopped him… and now…

She sighed deeply. If Zilla now was in danger because of Maul, it was all her fault.

But just as she thought her misery, couldn’t get any worser, she heard some voices, nearing the altar.

«As you all know.» Isha said, «I was originally a princess. And my older sister, were my guardian.»

Hagar made a scoffing laugh at her,

«You were? When? I never heard of that!»

Isha looked back at her,

«That’s because you got you memory wiped, we all have, but now…»

«Enough, sister!» Hagar confronted her, «You are just imaginating things. Why should I be your guardian?»

«Because you’re the oldest, and it is your job. We haven’t always been pirates you know.»


Isha sighed,

«Yes really.»

Hondo walked behind them,

«Oh, I don’t know about that.» he said, streching his back, «I been a captain as long as I know.»

They came out from the fog which they had been walking through, and could now see Amanda standing by the altar, with the portal open behind her,

«You definitely have been reading too many books, little sister.» Hagar laughed before pointing to Amanda, «Look what we have here.» turning her gaze to the portal, «What’s that?»

Leia and the royal school

«I want the very best for my daughter.» King Anakin said to the keeper of the royal school in the kingdom of Hasar-Adar, «If anything happens to her, you will be responsible.» he added with a darker tone.

The woman smiled down at the little princess who stood in the front of her father in her purple dress, his hands resting on her shoulder.

She looked back up at him again,

«I assure you your daughter will be safe in this school, o king.»

«She better be.» Anakin snapped, «Or you’ll die.»

Princess Leia turned to him,

«Father.» she began, «What about Luke? Shouldn’t he begin school?»

Anakin drew his fingers through her curly brown hair,

«I have other plans for him, my dear.» bending down to her, «But you’re gonna be the future queen. This school is important for ya.»

Leia sighed,

«Just don’t keep my brother away from me please! I don’t wanna rule alone… I thought we were in this together.»

King Anakin straightened up,

«Just be a good little princess, and do what I told ya, okay?»

Leia nodded blankly as she retold the rules to him,

«Keep your head up high… never cry… always be curious and strive to learn.»

Anakin stroked her on the head,

«Good.» turning around, «Now I must head back to the castle.» walking back to the royal carriage, «Farewell.»

The princess sighed as she saw her father walk away, feeling the womans hands touching her shoulders,

«Come now, princess. I’ll make a queen out of you.»

Leia and the wolf

Little princess Leia, four years old, had gotten herself lost into the dark forest of winter-land, where her father, Anakin had forbiden her to go,

«You must never go there.» he had said, but Leia was a curious little being, she just wanted to have a little peek at it, she had no plans to actually walk into it. But that’s was what had happened; She now found herself deep inside the forest, and had lost trail of where she was. But she had her Lise-doll tucked to her chest, and she closed her eyes as she sang to her toy,

«Sleep, little Lise-doll, sleep and be grown.»

She heard some movement behind her, and opened her eyes in fear, and then she saw a wolf-man.

He was half wolf, half human. Had a human body, with a tail, and wolf-ears. His skin was animalistic, like a wolf-skin, and on his fingers, he had claws.

Leia stared at him, with open mouth, as he stared back at her,

«Who are you?» she asked, tucking the Lise-doll tighter to her chest.

The wolf-man smiled. A smile that only turned out to be a wicked grin,

«I’m Titi-Suru. The friendliest wolf you ever meet.» he said in a humbly tone as he bowed.

But Leia just shaked her head,

«I don’t think so.» she replied, «I think you are wicket. I think you are gonna eat me for lunch.»

Titi-Suru laughed,

«What an horrific idea! I would never do anything like that!»

Leia took some steps back,

«Oh, I know you will. You’re a wolf, and its your instincts.» she turned around and started running, but Titu-Suru shouted after her,

«Then you better know to never run from a wolf!»


Meanwhile in another world:


Amanda had found the altar which the book was to be placed on. The book that she had in her shaky hands.

She turned around and saw Zilla coming in full speed towards her, shouting,

«Place the book on the altar!» Maul had gotten to angry with her, and was now trying to execute her,

«You’re gonna show that you’re worthy of being my apprentice!» he roared as he raced after her in rage.

«Amanda!» Zilla yelled.

«I don’t want to go back to that world.» Amanda hesitated, holding the book over the altar.

«You don’t have to! Just open up the portal so I can escape!»

«What… what do you espect me to do?»

«Just hold him off…»

«I can’t…»

«You have to try!»

Amanda slammed the book down at the altar, and a portal opened between the two pillars behind it.

Zilla slipped through, and when Maul tried to follow, Amanda threw her axe at him, making him stop for a little moment at the pain when the blade entered his arm. He tucked it out and throwed it away,

«Your little… that wont stop me!» pushing her back with the force before he dissappeared through the portal.

Chasing after fairy went wrong

Little Alexandra, the sister of Amanda, and daughter of Chassandra, had now grown into a seven year old girl.

But since the time where different in her world, than it was in the world that Amamda was in for the moment, the results where that Amanda hadn’t grown at all, and was still twelve years old, which where exactly what she was when she had left.

«My little doll.» Chassandra used to call her precious little, Alexandra, «You’re beaty as a doll.»

Alexandra was now chasing the fairy Abigail, through the forest of summerland,

«Come back!» she shouted, «Come back to me! Don’t go away.»

«I’m not for you to keep.» Abigail reminded her as she flew away.

«But you are!» Alexandra insisted, «You’re my fairy-doll.»

«I’m not a toy.» pointing her wand at her, «And if you’re going continue to chase me like that. Perhaps I’m gonna teach you a lesson?»

«Don’t be like that, little fairy.» Alexandra said calmly, «What about I build you a little house, and then you can live in it?»

«No.» Magic whent out from her wand, hitting Alexandra, resulting in her shrienking.

Alexandra shut her eyes closed, but in the next moment when she opened them, she had shrienked to fairy-size, the same size as Abigail.

She stared at her, shocked, eyes vide,

«Did you just make me little?»

«I figured I wanted to show you that I’m am not to be played with.» Abigail said, «And that I am just as equeal as you in worth.»

«Turn me big again.» Alexandra shouted.



«Fear? Anxiety?» The black shadow that had emerged from Anakins picture on the wall, scoffed, «Oh, knock it off, Snips. I’ve never heard such a thing!» he was leading the way ahead off her through the darkened corridor.

It was also many other pictures there, which they passed, some off them speaking with crazy insanity;

«Feed the madness, and the madness feeds unto you… Feed the madness, and thy madness feeds unto you!» before chuckling like a chicken.

Ahsoka kept her gaze at the shadow’s back, the mere conciousness that represented Anakin Skywalker,

«You’re not taking me seriously, Master.» she stated, «I said that I have a little anxiety, and…»

«Oh…» he only laughed at her, «Snap out of it… let it go… I will have no such talk!»

Ahsoka drew her breath, shaken by his sudden harsh tone,


«No!» The shadow turned around, meeting her eyes. It floated above the floor, moving closer to her, stopping in front,

«If you want me to help you get out off here…»

«I keep my mouth shut…» Ahsoka interubted him, «Got it.»

The shadow stared at her with its yellow eyes,

«And you do exactly as I say. Because you don’t wanna end up like those other pictures here, do you? Doomed to madness forever, talking like crazy?»

Ahsoka blinked,

«What happened to them?» she asked carefully.

«You don’t wanna know.» Turning around, floating above the floor, «Just follow me.»


Zilla and Amanda had reached the end off their journey, through the scary woods of Dathomir, and was now standing face to face with Darth Maul, a fearsome lord of the sith, and Zilla’s previous master.

«Show us the altar.» she begged, «If you’ll reunite me with my sister, I’ll become your apprentice again.»

Maul let out a silent growl,

«You’re always been my apprentice.» he chuckled, «Kenobi was only a mere pawn in my game, but you haven’t fullfilled your destiny yet, you haven’t brought him to me.»

«I will do whatever you ask.» bowing her head, «I will get him to you, but first…»

«There is no second chance!» Maul growled, «How dare you come before me whitout Kenobi?»

«He will come… he will come here… he will search after me… and.»

But Maul growled like a wild beast,

«My patience is over! You have failed, padawan!» slamming the book out off her hands before pushing Zilla to the ground.

«You don’t understand!» she said in a broken voice, «I have a plan, and… It’s gonna work!»

«Scum!» turning his back on her.

Amanda grabbed the book from the muddy ground, and with it tucked to her chest, she ran away. Hopeful that she would find the altar, which the book should be placed on.


Has fear gotten hold of thee? Anxiety holding you back? Troubled be thou not, the Lord will setteth thine free.


Ahsoka now walked slowly through the corridors of what she thought was the Jedi-temple, her face covered with dread. Never had she seen so much death… bodies… blood… and over her head, up under the roof, it thundered with lightning.

Was this really her home were she had grown up? Where she lived? She didn’t want to believe it. For if it was true, if this was her home, then it had suffered a terrible fate.

She came upon a wall, where pictures of Jedi-knights hang. Her eyes searched them, wandered over every one of them, and she found the picture of her Master; Anakin Skywalker.

Her hand touched it, and she looked slowly down at the floor, closing her eyes,

«Thou can no longer chase after me now, Master.» she said silently, opening her eyes again, as she looked at the image, «Thou will not find me.»

But as she was to continue on her way down the corridor, his eyes blinked, which made her gasp,

«Master?» putting her hands over her heart, which was going faster now.

Then she heard his voice coming from the picture, as his lips moved,

«You’re in the wrong dimension, Ahsoka.»

«What?» her eyes widened, as she looked terrified at the picture.

«You should have listened to me, and not entered that portal. But now, you must do exactly as I say, or you’ll never leave this place.»

«Master… how do I know it is really you? Can you come out of the picture?»

The image of him sighed,

«I’m not really here, Snips. Only my consciousness.»

The Padawan looked confused at him,

«I don’t understand… How can you speak to me if you’re not here?»

«Let’s put aside those questions for later. I want you to listen to me, and listen closely.»



Meanwhile in the right dimension:

Having landed on Dathomir, Zilla walked out of the ship with the book in her hand. Followed by Amanda, who kept her gaze down at the ground, weightened by guilt.

Hagar, Isha and Abid decided to stay along in the ship with Hondo.

«There is an altar which we will seek up.» Zilla began explaining, «And once we lay the book upon it, a portal will open, and we gain access to the world of Secrecy.»

«Is it really that simply?» Amanda doubtfully asked.

Zilla raised her eyebrows at her, giving her an intense look,

«You’ll see.» turning her gaze forward again, «But first of all, we will find Maul. My former Master of the Sith.»



Some time had passed in the world of Secrecy, where King Anakin lived with his Queen, Padme, in Hasar-Adar, where they’d ruled over winter-land.

But in their own world, where they was from, almost no time had passed at all, and no one there, had grown older.

Here are a little from his life in Hasar-Adar:

«Wonderous! Conquerous!» King Anakin, former Jedi-knight, exlaimed in front of the mirror where he stood in his chamber inside the now finished castle, «Oh how good and pleasant it is to be king! All power and glory belongs to me. Forever.»

The little twins, on four years old, princess Leia and prince Luke came running into the room,

«Daddy! Daddy!»

Anakin turned around and smiled,

«My wonderous beings. What brings you to thine king today?»

«Mother said you’ll tell us a story!»

Anakin bent down,

«Indeed I will!»


Meanwhile, in their own world:

Twelve year old Amanda gasped as she suddenly woke up from a little nap.

She stared around at the others, who also sat dozing off in their seat, an then at Hondo who were driving the ship through hyperspace.

She hurriedly sprinted to his side,

«You’ll have to turn around!» she shouted at him, «I don’t want to go to Dathomir any longer!»

But Hondo only made a mocking sound at her,


Zilla opened her eyes, yawned and got up from her seat, slowly approched them in her own special way,

«I didn’t know the pet of Ventress was afraid.» she teased.

«You’re the pet of Ventress!» Amanda protested, «I’m just…»

«Huh! You’re really as much her pet as I am.»

«No! Here. You can have the book, all I want is to go home, okay?» handing it to her.

Zilla narrowed her eyes at her,

«Dathomir was the deal, and to Dathomir we shall!»


Meanwhile on Coruscant:

The great light from the portal relized fourteen year old Ahsoka into the chamber of her Master, which kind of looked deserted right now.

Back in her own world, after a long journey through the tunel of light, she looked quickly around, before she rose to her feet and walked out the door,

«Zilla!» but the corridor looked deserted too, where was everyone? «Zilla! Anyone?» and she started running through, as her breath became more and more paniced.

Portal’n up’n go

Zilla started up the engines, while Amanda looked through the book in the seat behind her.

Fourteen year old Zilla turned her gaze at her,

«You know when we arrive at Dathomir, you give me that, right?»

Amanda, who where twelve, looked up at her with a silly smile,

«All right, mother.»

«Stop that!» Zilla barked, «As well as I’m in charge, I’m not…»

«You’re not in charge, silly!» Amanda mockingly replied, «None of us are. We are equals.»

«I’m in charge!» Zilla stated, «I’m a grown up!»

Amanda laughed at her,

«Who’s acting like a kid, now?»

«If you take that tone at me, I won’t drive anywhere.»

«Yes you will.» Amanda stated, «Remember our deal…» before she got to finish her sentence, some other Padawans came into the ship, accompanied with little Abid on five.

«We’re coming along.» Hagar began, as Isha walked to sit by Amanda.

Zilla looked surprised at them,

«No, you are not!»

«Yes, we are! Or we’ll tell Obi-Wan that you’re running back to Dathomir. You think he’ll allows it?»

Zilla sighed,

«Settle in then! Let’s get this ship up in the air.»

Hagar chuckled,

«You don’t know how to fly it, do you?»

«Of course I do!»

«Bonjour! Bonjour!» It suddenly came from the doorway, «Not whitout your uncle Hondo, you can not go!»

Zilla gasped, before looking shockingly, at Hagar, Isha and Abid,

«You telling me what that pirate is doing here?»


Meanwhile in Secrecy;

«No, Ahsoka!» Anakin shouted as he came running in the last minute, «Step away from that portal, it’s dangerous!»

Ventress rolled her eyes at him,

«You don’t have to listen to everything he tells you.» she told a worried Ahsoka who stared into the glooming light of the portal, «He’s wrong, you know?»

Ahsoka nodded into the portal,

«I’m allready made up my mind, to give it a try. So here I go.» stepping into the portal, «Sister, here I come.» was the last thing she said before the light enveloped her and she vanished.

«Ahsoka!» Anakin shouted, looking angrily at Ventress when he realiced he was to late, «What have you done?» stopping up.

Ventress chuckled evily,

«I got a present for you.» grabbing the Senator who where still lying on the floor, dragging her to his feet, «Behold; Your wife.»

Anakin widened his eyes,


The Senator suddenly opened her eyes, looking confused up at him,


Anakin slowly breathed out in relief before he took her hand to help her up,
