What they’re doing there.

Ahsoka and Zilla had just finished eating a delicios lunch with the king,

«We’re so honored to be here, your Majesty.» when they heard a familliar voice from outside,

«Ahsoka!» it said, «I know you’re in there! Come out so we can talk.»

The twins shocked got up from the table,

«Oh no…» Ahsoka swallowed, with a lump in her throat, before making her way to the big window allong with Zilla. And from up here, they could see the Jedi-knight standing in the garden outside, looking up.

Ahsoka just wanted to hide away so he shouldn’t see her in the window, but she knew better,

«He’s coming for us.» she said to Zilla, «We have to go.»

King David made his way to them by the window where they stood looking out. He stared down at the man who was dressed in his usual black leather and Jedi-robes,

«Who’s that?»

«That’s…» Ahsoka hesitated, she didn’t know how she should explain all this Jedi-order thing, and Jedi-life to the King who most certantly wouldn’t get it, so she said, «That’s… eh… he’s my brother… he, he.»

«Oh. Invite him in.» David responded, «Maybe he want some cup of tea or coffee?»

Ahsoka grabbed Zillas arm,

«Yeah, I wish we could do that, but…»

«What pleases?»

«I think he’s in a hurry. A…Anakin never stops for a break.»

«Okay. I think I understand. Where do you live? Maybe I can follow you home?»

«It would be a pleassure, your exelency, but…» She hesitated, she couldn’t just say that she came from another world. He would begin to think she was crazy, «It’s complicated…»

«Ahsoka!» They heard from outside again.

«We have to go now.» doing a humble bow which Zilla aldo repeated, «But thank you for the stay.»

«My pleassure girls. I always strive to get to know the people in my kingdom. See you around?»

«Eh… perhaps…» Zilla grabbed her hand in a hurry, saying, «Your…» she cast a glance King David, before looking at Ahsoka again, «You’re brother is getting irritated. Let’s go.»

«Good bye, your Majesty.» doing a little bow once again.

David raised his hand and winked in to them a royal way,

«See ya.»

And then the twins jumped out off the window, flying down on their wings, before landing in front off Anakin.

«Here we are, my Master.»

But Skywalker looked like if he was about to laugh. He turned around, with his hand over his face,

«What in the world are you wearing?» he giggled, «It looks like you are going to some sort of a carnival.»

«Hey!» Ahsoka put her hands in her side, «You think we look funny?»

Anakin sighed, turning to face them again,

«No… but back to the subject, «What are you doing here?»

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