Leia and the wolf

Little princess Leia, four years old, had gotten herself lost into the dark forest of winter-land, where her father, Anakin had forbiden her to go,

«You must never go there.» he had said, but Leia was a curious little being, she just wanted to have a little peek at it, she had no plans to actually walk into it. But that’s was what had happened; She now found herself deep inside the forest, and had lost trail of where she was. But she had her Lise-doll tucked to her chest, and she closed her eyes as she sang to her toy,

«Sleep, little Lise-doll, sleep and be grown.»

She heard some movement behind her, and opened her eyes in fear, and then she saw a wolf-man.

He was half wolf, half human. Had a human body, with a tail, and wolf-ears. His skin was animalistic, like a wolf-skin, and on his fingers, he had claws.

Leia stared at him, with open mouth, as he stared back at her,

«Who are you?» she asked, tucking the Lise-doll tighter to her chest.

The wolf-man smiled. A smile that only turned out to be a wicked grin,

«I’m Titi-Suru. The friendliest wolf you ever meet.» he said in a humbly tone as he bowed.

But Leia just shaked her head,

«I don’t think so.» she replied, «I think you are wicket. I think you are gonna eat me for lunch.»

Titi-Suru laughed,

«What an horrific idea! I would never do anything like that!»

Leia took some steps back,

«Oh, I know you will. You’re a wolf, and its your instincts.» she turned around and started running, but Titu-Suru shouted after her,

«Then you better know to never run from a wolf!»


Meanwhile in another world:


Amanda had found the altar which the book was to be placed on. The book that she had in her shaky hands.

She turned around and saw Zilla coming in full speed towards her, shouting,

«Place the book on the altar!» Maul had gotten to angry with her, and was now trying to execute her,

«You’re gonna show that you’re worthy of being my apprentice!» he roared as he raced after her in rage.

«Amanda!» Zilla yelled.

«I don’t want to go back to that world.» Amanda hesitated, holding the book over the altar.

«You don’t have to! Just open up the portal so I can escape!»

«What… what do you espect me to do?»

«Just hold him off…»

«I can’t…»

«You have to try!»

Amanda slammed the book down at the altar, and a portal opened between the two pillars behind it.

Zilla slipped through, and when Maul tried to follow, Amanda threw her axe at him, making him stop for a little moment at the pain when the blade entered his arm. He tucked it out and throwed it away,

«Your little… that wont stop me!» pushing her back with the force before he dissappeared through the portal.

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