
Has fear gotten hold of thee? Anxiety holding you back? Troubled be thou not, the Lord will setteth thine free.


Ahsoka now walked slowly through the corridors of what she thought was the Jedi-temple, her face covered with dread. Never had she seen so much death… bodies… blood… and over her head, up under the roof, it thundered with lightning.

Was this really her home were she had grown up? Where she lived? She didn’t want to believe it. For if it was true, if this was her home, then it had suffered a terrible fate.

She came upon a wall, where pictures of Jedi-knights hang. Her eyes searched them, wandered over every one of them, and she found the picture of her Master; Anakin Skywalker.

Her hand touched it, and she looked slowly down at the floor, closing her eyes,

«Thou can no longer chase after me now, Master.» she said silently, opening her eyes again, as she looked at the image, «Thou will not find me.»

But as she was to continue on her way down the corridor, his eyes blinked, which made her gasp,

«Master?» putting her hands over her heart, which was going faster now.

Then she heard his voice coming from the picture, as his lips moved,

«You’re in the wrong dimension, Ahsoka.»

«What?» her eyes widened, as she looked terrified at the picture.

«You should have listened to me, and not entered that portal. But now, you must do exactly as I say, or you’ll never leave this place.»

«Master… how do I know it is really you? Can you come out of the picture?»

The image of him sighed,

«I’m not really here, Snips. Only my consciousness.»

The Padawan looked confused at him,

«I don’t understand… How can you speak to me if you’re not here?»

«Let’s put aside those questions for later. I want you to listen to me, and listen closely.»



Meanwhile in the right dimension:

Having landed on Dathomir, Zilla walked out of the ship with the book in her hand. Followed by Amanda, who kept her gaze down at the ground, weightened by guilt.

Hagar, Isha and Abid decided to stay along in the ship with Hondo.

«There is an altar which we will seek up.» Zilla began explaining, «And once we lay the book upon it, a portal will open, and we gain access to the world of Secrecy.»

«Is it really that simply?» Amanda doubtfully asked.

Zilla raised her eyebrows at her, giving her an intense look,

«You’ll see.» turning her gaze forward again, «But first of all, we will find Maul. My former Master of the Sith.»


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