
Some time had passed in the world of Secrecy, where King Anakin lived with his Queen, Padme, in Hasar-Adar, where they’d ruled over winter-land.

But in their own world, where they was from, almost no time had passed at all, and no one there, had grown older.

Here are a little from his life in Hasar-Adar:

«Wonderous! Conquerous!» King Anakin, former Jedi-knight, exlaimed in front of the mirror where he stood in his chamber inside the now finished castle, «Oh how good and pleasant it is to be king! All power and glory belongs to me. Forever.»

The little twins, on four years old, princess Leia and prince Luke came running into the room,

«Daddy! Daddy!»

Anakin turned around and smiled,

«My wonderous beings. What brings you to thine king today?»

«Mother said you’ll tell us a story!»

Anakin bent down,

«Indeed I will!»


Meanwhile, in their own world:

Twelve year old Amanda gasped as she suddenly woke up from a little nap.

She stared around at the others, who also sat dozing off in their seat, an then at Hondo who were driving the ship through hyperspace.

She hurriedly sprinted to his side,

«You’ll have to turn around!» she shouted at him, «I don’t want to go to Dathomir any longer!»

But Hondo only made a mocking sound at her,


Zilla opened her eyes, yawned and got up from her seat, slowly approched them in her own special way,

«I didn’t know the pet of Ventress was afraid.» she teased.

«You’re the pet of Ventress!» Amanda protested, «I’m just…»

«Huh! You’re really as much her pet as I am.»

«No! Here. You can have the book, all I want is to go home, okay?» handing it to her.

Zilla narrowed her eyes at her,

«Dathomir was the deal, and to Dathomir we shall!»


Meanwhile on Coruscant:

The great light from the portal relized fourteen year old Ahsoka into the chamber of her Master, which kind of looked deserted right now.

Back in her own world, after a long journey through the tunel of light, she looked quickly around, before she rose to her feet and walked out the door,

«Zilla!» but the corridor looked deserted too, where was everyone? «Zilla! Anyone?» and she started running through, as her breath became more and more paniced.

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